hospital pt 2

426 7 0

Warning, includes swearing and mentions of assault and bullying

A few hours later, Penny began to stir, Sam was almost asleep by this point when he heard Penny stir however as a small wake up groan left Penny's lips, he immediately snapped to attention before standing next to her bed holding her hand tighter

Penny could not process what was going on as she began to wake, all she could tell was that she was not in the warehouse. Groaning she tried to open her eyes, she could hear the beeping of machines making her realise that she was not in pontypandy but in a hospital bed oh how she hated hospitals. Penny opened her eyes eventually, she could see the white washed walls with her details on the right wall, her bed was plain and she was in a hospital gown. Looking to her left she saw, Sam? To say Penny was confused was an understatement, she thought Sam despised her and here he was. Penny looked at him and blushed, here he was holding her hand and smiling down at her

"How do you feel?" he said softly

"Like shit" Penny replied

Sam chucked "I can believe that" he smiled "Look, Penny I am so, so sorry about how I have been treating you. I should have never been so hard on you, You aren't useless and you never get in the way. I should have never said any of the things i had said to you, I'm so sorry Penny and i hope you can forgive me" Sam said at the younger woman

"Yeah, i forgive you Sam" Penny said

Sa fet relieved however he still felt extremely guilty

"So, how badly injured am i" Penny gigled sarcastically

"Uhh, i actually don't know, let me find your chart" he replied

Penny rested her head back down on the pillow, she could feel a dull throbbing in the back of her head,

"Ah, here we are! You have a concussion, broken leg, fractured rib and fractured ankle on your right" Sam said as Penny looked at her right casted

"Well, that probably explains why i can't breathe properly then" Penny laughed

"Yeah, probably" Sam laughed along relieved that they were both cool now

"Ah! You're awake!" One of the nurses said as she walked in seeing Penny

"How do you feel" she asked

"Eh, crap i guess, my head hurts my leg hurts and so on" Penny complained

"Well, with your injuries that is to be expected" she told the younger woman

At that moment another woman walked in, she was tall with brown hair "hello again" She said

Penny wanted to cry at this point, in front of her was her high school bully who use to beat Penny up physically and emotionally

"I haven't seen you in such a long time, how have you been!" She said cheerfully acting like nothing ever happened. Penny still had scars from when she had hurt her, some were rom her, some were from her parents when they got angry and some were from her ex-boyfriend whenever she refused to do something

"Same as i've always been" she mumbled under her breath

"Right, well, your due for your MRI scan tomorrow so we can assess your injuries"

And with that, They left leaving sam and Penny in the room together

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