Episode 10: Shattering what's left.

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She felt the warmth of the bullet inside of her. She felt the liquid escaping it and filling her guts. She felt the pain of losing yet, another battle, with no one to help her or stand by her side. She felt it all.

Time slowed down, as she crawled away and towards the door.. " Help! " she screamed, but no one came, no one heard. She was left to die alone, on the hands of a girl seeking to Avenge her dead sister..

- " it hurts doesn't it?! " Lizzy asked makayla as she slowly crawled away.

- " it hurts to feel weak and vulnerable, to feel like there is no one who can help you stand up.. "

- " Please, ple- I'm, I'm begging you, please don't do this- " She cried heavily as she kept crawling.

- " That's the exact same thing that you had done to my sister,  you cornered her, outnumbered her, and left her no weapon to fight back with! "

- " HELP! "She screamed her lungs out, but no listened.

- " it's over Makayla.. " She said as she slowly walked towards her.

- " It is over! " She reloaded the pistol and aimed at the injured Makayla, before taking her shot.

- " I think not.. " a voice said from behind, and as Lizzy turned around to see who it was, a luminous green glow filled the room, and flew Lizzy outside the room..

By the time she saw who her saviour was, her wound started healing and the vaccine inside of her lost its effect. She surprisingly said..

- " Ken- Kendal?! "

- " Wh- What the hell did i do?! " She said scared of her own powers..

Makayla helped herself up, still pressuring her old wound with one hand.

- " th- there's no time to explain- "

She quickly grabbed Kendal and rushed with her towards the stairs in an attempt to find the boys, who were still fighting off the outnumbering Lunars in the main hall..

At their arrival to the ground floor, they were surprised by two Lunars guarding the hallway. Kendal didn't hesitate, she quickly raised her hands wide open, and let escape what seemed like a green luminescent beam into the two Freaks, not hurting them, but making their eyes glow green light, as if they suddenly became her own minions. The girls both proceeded to the main whole, with the two Lunars now guarding them. Seconds before they opened the locked door and walked into the room where Jesse and Leon were, they heard a huge noise, of cement and wood breaking, so they turned around to see, a girl floating next to the ceiling's ruins, and she was still wielding the same pistol in her hand. She had a sick smile on her face, and suddenly opened her eyes, filled with complete whiteness..

- " as I said Makayla, it's over! " She said shooting the two mesmerised Lunar Freaks next to the girls, she then wanted to shoot the girls, but was surprised to see that the gun was out of ammo, so she threw it away and furious, she disappeared and reappeared in front of Kendal who was the only one helping the weakened Makayla. Lizzy grabbed the Hispanic girl by the neck, Making her kneel and scream her lungs out of pain. Pushed by all the anger inside of her,  Makayla's face turned pale, her eyes white sand hair Grey,  she screamed a crazy psychotic shout, and jumped on Lizzy, and started bashing her head repeatedly on the pieces of cement shattered around. Lizzy attempted to hurt Makayla by touching her, but Makayla was not using her powers, at least not all of them ; her only motivation was the pain, death and chaos that Eva and her sister caused to everyone..

- " you.. " She bashed her head " Are.. " again " going.. " And again " to leave me and my friends ... " She bashed it one last time on the cement, shattering her skull, and squirting the blood out of her head..

- " Alone! " She said wiping her bloody face. She then got up, and simply walked into the ball, leaving the shocked Kendal,  observing the gory, bloody scene, of the dead Lizzy,  lying on the hard solid cement, with parts of her brain escaping her shattered skull..

She entered the hall, to see Leon lying in Jesse's hands, with Jesse afraid to show any tears..

- " Leon!! " She rushed towards the boys.

- " Wh- What happened?! " she said with a tear rolling down her cheek.

- " they, they out- outnumbered us.. " He started crying " it's all my fault, I didn't cover his back.. "

She didn't reply. Only stood there, looking at all the chaos, all the deaths, the bodies, the losses.. her heart crumbled into thousands of pieces, and her mouth was incapable of speaking.

The weeks that followed were strangely peaceful.. Haydon was still in coma, the holiday season ended, leaving the inhabitants of the Elanoar mansion broken due to the death of two dear friends. Jesse and Kendal, left town for a few days, to clear their heads off of things, and to help Kendal get used to her new powers.  Karen, Jackson and Nickki, came back after doing all the needed work for stacey's funeral and the arrangements that came with it. The group arranged a small funeral to honour Leon's passing, and made a shrine deep inside the woods, in the memory of everyone they lost the past few months. Makayla applied to college, and got in, it was only few miles away from town. Nicki and Jackson were motivated to do alike, so they too applied to the college where Makayla got in, and moved there. It was clear that everyone needed a break, they needed space and time to think stuffs out. They need time to find closure, to live with the fact that they lost the closest people to their hearts, they needed time!..

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