Chapter Five

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You climbed the stairs to Peter Parker's apartment, dragging your feet with exhaustion. You knocked on the door, you kept thinking about what Bucky said earlier, wow, you couldn't get it out of your head. "Sorry, I think you knocked on my door?" said a woman.

"Sorry, Hi, Yes, I'm Y/n Stark, on behalf of Tony, I was wondering if Peter was here?" you asked. The woman looked confused for a second but invited you in. The apartment was very homely, you'd always wanted that kind of home, instead of an eerie mansion or tower. You took a seat on the sofa and waited for Peter.

He came out of his room and gave the woman a confused look, "Hi, Mr Parker, I'm Y/n Stark, I believe we met?" you said, shaking his hand as he took a seat on the sofa. "I'm here on behalf of my dad, Tony Stark," the boy's mouth widened with shock.

"He would like to meet with you tomorrow at 10am, at Stark Tower, someone will be waiting for you by the elevator," you said, "It will most likely be me, I run a lot of errands for him," you smiled.

The boy looked so shocked, he didn't say anything for a while. You looked to the woman who seemed just as confused at what was going on. You went to stand up, "Nice meeting you," you shook his hand again before leaving. Okay so Peter was like clearly in awe of Tony, mental note to remind Tony to be nice to him. 

As you reached the car you could hear Nat's music on loudly, you sat in the car and closed the door. Before you had even put on your seatbelt, Sam had left the curb and was speeding towards the tower, not one of the avengers drove at the average speed, most of them were too fast, except Steve, who was always 20 below the speed limit. He pulled up outside the tower and you climbed out.

"Now remember Steve," said Nat, as you reached the elevator, "Y/n has not fully decided on a costume so did not buy anything," Steve nodded and you laughed. The costume was to be hidden from your dad until the night of the party, by which time it would be too late. Yes, Nat had a bad influence over your clothing choices, but she was your best friend.

As the elevator stopped on your floor, it was just you and Bucky left. You smiled awkwardly and moved some of the hair from your eyes, "see you at dinner I guess," you said, you felt his gaze watching you walk down the hall towards your room. It gave you butterflies.


At dinner no one brought up the Halloween costumes, instead different conversations among the group took place. You were sat next to Nat and Wanda, with Bucky at the far end, you kept glancing over to him. Just as you bit into some pizza, you glanced over to Bucky, who must've been staring at you, he held his gaze on you. His eyes were blue like the ocean, but they glittered gold. At a glance they held happiness, but the longer you looked, you could see pain. "Y/n?" said Tony, you looked away quickly, "What Halloween costume did you get?" the question you had been dreading.

You took a long sip of your beer, "I didn't find one I liked," you said bluntly. Your dad raised his eyebrows at you, you awkwardly looked at your plate as the table went quiet. "Look at that, I got an email, I have to respond to it, excuse me," you said, quickly leaving the table, not the best save. That was actually a terrible save. And a very obvious lie. 

Closing the door to your room, you sat down on your bed. You looked out the window at the New York skyline, it was beautiful at night. You wished you had someone who would sit here and watch it with you but dating when the avengers were your family was not the easiest. It would start off with interrogations, then their social media platforms and phone would be hacked, then they started noticing people follow them around and then they would end it. You hadn't minded to be honest, none of them felt right to you, until Bucky. You couldn't get him out of your head and it was driving you mad, you wanted to kiss him. Opening up your computer you decided to respond to a few emails before relaxing for the night.

A few emails, or hours, later you shutdown your computer and head out to the bathroom on your floor. When you came out, you noticed Bucky go into his room. You tried to stop yourself from wishing you were with him, what had gotten into you? Never had you had a crush like this on anyone before, especially an avenger, you'd found Steve attractive at first sure, but this wasn't like that. You just wished Bucky felt the same.

Just before you were about to go to bed you decided to get some water, you were wearing one of Steve's shirts and some shorts so you decided to put on a hoodie. You used the stairs so you wouldn't wake anyone and stayed in the dark.

When you came back down you opened your room and saw Bucky sat on your bed. You hadn't expected that. "Hey y/n," he said softly. You placed the water down and sat next to him on the bed.

"Are you okay?" you asked.

"I, it's just, whenever I'm with you I don't get my nightmares, and I just wondered if I could sleep here, I mean you can say no I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, I just, I feel safe with you," he trailed off. Okay that was literally the most adorable thing ever and you were freaking out. 

His words had made your heart flutter and your stomach filled with butterflies. "Of course," you said.

He wrapped his arms around you gently, he was asleep, but you weren't. He probably didn't think anything of it but it made your heart stop. You tried to close your eyes but the thought that you were in his arms kept you wide awake. Normally when you couldn't sleep you would do some work or go to the gym but you didn't want to move and wake him, or leave him to have a nightmare alone. You placed your head on his chest, careful not to scare him but he didn't move. Eventually you fell asleep.

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