Chapter Six

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You woke up to the sun shining in. Bucky was gone and you wondered whether it was a dream. His faint smell of mint and eucalyptus told you otherwise. You got dressed and headed up to the kitchen, Bucky was sat reading by the window, your heart fluttered remembering being in his arms. "Will you meet Mr Parker by the elevator," said your dad, coming in, "Bring him to the meeting room?"

That was new, usually he used one of the Stark Industries business rooms of the tower for external meetings. The ground and first floors. Never the avengers floors. "Sure," you said, taking a sip of your coffee. You noticed Nat come in with a pair of white heels she said she was going to let you borrow with the outfit, she saw your dad and turned around quickly. You tried not to laugh.

"Hey, Can I talk to you?" said Steve, coming over, you nodded and quickly drank the rest of the coffee.

Steve shut the door to the meeting room, "So this Halloween mission is going to be kinda big, and so everyone is going, but I didn't think Bucky would be ready to be back in the world yet so it's just going to be you and him is that okay?" the fact it would be you and him in the tower made your heart flutter, not that anything could happen, as much as you wanted it to. And he probably didn't like you back anyway.

"Yes, that's fine," you said, leaving the room and heading back to issue statements to the media on the reports of the winter soldier joining the avengers.

"I know, yes, we refuse to issue statements at this time," you said, pacing back and forth in your room. You heard the door open and waved the person away, before you noticed it was Bucky. Before you could call him to stop he had already left, you felt awful, "The allegations do not have to be confirmed as yet," you said, you hated dealing with the press. Noticing that the clock said it was almost ten you ended the call and headed down to the lobby.

You found a nervous looking Peter by the elevator. He saw you and came over, you could tell he was hiding a smile. You shook his hand and got in the elevator. "Welcome, Miss Stark," said FRIDAY. Peter obviously found this fascinating, he was clearly a technology nerd, which explained the school. "Yeah fourteenth floor FRIDAY," you said.

"No records of this person for Stark Industries, are you sure?" said FRIDAY.

"Yes," you said, "Sorry about that," you said to Peter, who was just in awe. The elevator opened to the fourteenth floor and you led him to the meeting room. He was taking in all the floor, it was pretty boring to be honest, mostly for avenging stuff, but you saw it everyday.

"Mr Stark will be in there," you said, opening the door, "Good Luck,"


"You all packed for the Halloween mission?" you said, coming into the living space to find everyone watching Netflix. A few mumbles came from the group, these missions taking down HYDRA had really brought down team morale, as they always found more bases that were more difficult to take down. You sat at the island and scrolled through your phone, twitter was filled with articles about Bucky being unsafe in the avengers tower, it made you so mad. He would never hurt anyone.

That night you ordered chinese for everyone, to boost their morale for the mission. It didn't work, everyone ate in silence and couldn't drink, which made it worse. You sat there awkwardly. After everyone had finished they excused themselves and all left for their rooms, leaving you and Bucky. "Well I'm gonna clean up, you don't have to stick around," you said, taking empty boxes. Bucky picked up some glasses and placed them in the sink. You turned around from the bin, suddenly standing very close to him. You could feel your heart hammering in your chest, you went to move but Bucky pulled you back. You looked up at him and he pulled you towards him and kissed you. His lifts were soft and he was gentle with you, you ran your hands through his hair as he moved his hands up your back. He went to pull away, "Don't stop," you whispered, pulling him back towards you. This time the kiss was more passionate, his hands going up the back of your shirt. You never wanted to stop kissing him.

You took off your jacket and went to Bucky who was lying on your bed. You kissed him gently. "I'm gonna take a shower, don't let my dad catch you in here," you said.

"The tower might be out of water, I was hoping to take one too," he said. The thought made you blush. He followed you out of your room and into the bathroom (oop).


You woke up the next morning to find everyone gone, you were wearing Bucky's shirt that he'd left in the bathroom and wandered around the tower. Just as you poured some coffee you heard Bucky come into the kitchen, "Hey gorgeous," he said softly, wrapping his arms around you. You lent your head into his chest as he kissed the top of your head. Who knew the winter soldier could be so affectionate.

You spent the morning watching movies while in Bucky's arms when you suddenly got a call from Nat. "Hey Nat, how's the mission going." you said.

"Okay so one, I am very mad that you didn't tell me about your crush on Barnes, two, You kissed him and didn't tell me and three, your dad is checking the security footage every five minutes," she said, a lot of information to take in in that time, "He's getting me to check this morning's footage, and last nights to make sure your okay, and if he sees this he will kill you and Barnes," so that was great. You weren't planning on hacking the security footage today. Not to mention how harsh Nat would be in training next week. You trained every few nights, you didn't really know why, you just did.

"Okay so I'm sorry, but also thank you," you said, ending the call and leaving Bucky to go and make sure that your dad didn't find out about you and Bucky. 

"Hey where are you going?" he called after you softly

"To hack my dad's security system," you called back. 

A few hours later all footage of you and Bucky had been deleted and the security cameras on your floor had suddenly stopped working. You and Bucky were eating dinner in the kitchen and it took all of your sense not to kiss him. There was an awkward silence between you two now that you knew your dad was watching. "So, do you have any plans tonight?" you said.

"Um," said Bucky, his eyes wandering around the room and falling on a security camera, "I just wanted to spend time with you," he whispered. Your heart fluttered in your chest and you smiled. He was the sweetest.

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