Chapter Two

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"Miss Stark, the jet is less than an hour away," said FRIDAY. You rubbed your eyes, you'd been working all night and you must've fallen asleep. You'd even forgotten to make up Bucky's room.

You went into the room and opened the window. Searching the storage closet for some bedsheets you made the bed before raiding everyone's closets for some spare clothes for Bucky to wear. Normally you would have tried to contact the others so you could understand what Bucky needed but you had forgotten. You were in the elevator with an arm full of clothes when it stopped. The elevator doors opened to reveal Nat. She stepped in. "Sorry about yesterday," you said, "I was just stressed out, but retail therapy sounds great, this Saturday?"

Nat smiled, "Could never say no to that," she took some clothes from your arms and helped you put them in the drawers of Bucky's room. The room looked so plain, which reminded you that Bucky and Wanda's cards would come today. At least then he could make his room feel like his own. 


"Hey," you said. The jet had landed and you watched as Sam and Tony got off the plane. They waited with you for a while, Steve and Bucky were taking a while, "What happened?" you asked, just as Steve and Bucky came out. You gasped when you saw blood spilling from Bucky's shoulder and ran over.

"What the hell?" you said. Taking Bucky from Steve, he flinched at your touch.

You and Steve took Bucky to the medical bay. Bucky sat on the exam table while you asked Steve what happened, "He was trying to remove his arm," he said quietly. You looked over to Bucky, he was just staring at the wall. "I'm gonna pull a team meeting and talk to everyone," said Steve. He went over to Bucky and told him something before leaving. You opened some medical equipment and felt Bucky's gaze over you.

"This might hurt," you said, you were holding an anesthetic wipe. Bucky pulled off his shirt and you placed the wipe over the scratch marks where his metal arm was joined to his body. He flinched and began to shake. "Sorry," you said, wiping away the blood. Once you had gotten rid of all the blood you placed a bandaid on the scratches.

"Thank you," he said, quietly. This wasn't the winter soldier, at least not anymore. Bucky was broken and understandably, they'd messed with his mind and he didn't even know who he was anymore.

You packed away the medical equipment, "Do you want to go to your room or do you want some food?" you asked. Bucky was still just sat there.

"Miss Stark, the cards are here," said FRIDAY. Bucky jumped up. You ran over, not wanting to alarm him. "It's okay," you said, you noticed his metal fist curl up, "That's just FRIDAY, no one is going to hurt you,"

Bucky dropped his head and grabbed his shirt. He pulled it on and looked out the window. You watched his gaze, he had probably never seen New York, you didn't know what it had been like for him as the Winter Soldier but he probably wasn't used to luxury. You let Bucky watch out the window as you used the computer to log Bucky's injuries. "Miss Stark, they're starting to become impatient," said FRIDAY. They were really trying to wind you up. "I err have to go for some business, do you want me to walk you to your room?" you asked, shutting off the computer.

Bucky turned from the window and watched you. He didn't speak much, so you took your jacket and opened the door, gesturing for him to follow you. Opposite the medical bay was the gym, training mats were still all over the floor. Bucky studied the room. You pressed the elevator button and watched Bucky, he seemed fascinated by the tower. The elevator doors opened and Bucky followed you inside. As you reached the twelfth floor, you stepped out, Bucky following you. "So erm, this is Thor's room," you said, you didn't know if he knew who that was but you continued, "And this is my room," you gestured to your door as you walked past. You opened his door, "This is you," Bucky stepped inside and looked round, "Sorry it's plain, you'll be able to do stuff with it once I get your card, which I'm about to now," you went to leave Bucky, who was looking round the room. "Everyone's in a meeting so feel free to look around without being bothered by anyone," you shut his door and headed down to collect the cards.

Bucky looked around his room. It was plain and empty and boring. And weirdly, he missed your presence in it. You'd been really sweet to him, when you knew nothing about him. Which made him wonder exactly how much you knew about him. Would a girl as pretty as you want to associate with someone like him? 

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