The next hour was full of Dazai's screams. Chuuya was just unlocking the door when Atsushi looked at Dazai and said,
"Saved by your boyfriend. I may or may not be back."
Then left.
Chuuya walked into the apartment to find a bleeding and unconscious Dazai on the floor, a scythe carved into the wood beside him. He immediately called Yosano. The only explanation anyone got was, "Atsushi." Chuuya had to be physically restrained.
Atsushi left Dazai on the floor with a sense of satisfaction. He headed back to Akutagawa's apartment, whistling a soft tune. When he got back, he found a spare bed had been set up for him. He thanked Akutagawa and went to sleep.
"Gins coming back today."
Atsushi looked up from his breakfast at Akutagawa.
"Really? What time?"
Akutagawa was about to reply when the door banged open.
"I'm home!"
He flinched, sighing.
Atsushi got up and looked her over. She was still dressed for work, everything except the mask. She also looked him over, a spark of recognition in her eyes.
"Atsushi! It's been years, how are you! I told brother to bring you with us, but he wouldn't listen. He said that my health was more important."
"Hi Gin, I'm good. Your health is more important, and before you ask, we already sorted it all out. How have you been?"
"I'm fine, I'm an assassin in the Mafia. But you know what the funny thing is, everyone thinks I'm a boy! And no-one knows that me and Akutagawa are related. It's really funny in meeting because he keeps opening his mouth to correct people and to tell people off for talking to me in some way, but then he has to close it again. It's hilarious."
Akutagawa looked down, embarrassed "They're being rude to you. Besides, I'm older. It's my job to look after you."
Atsushi stepped in before an argument could start, "You haven't changed at all, has anyone hurt you though?"
Gin looked thoughtful for a moment, "Dazai. He hurt me."
Akutagawa looked furious, "He did what! Why didn't you tell me?"
Atsushi had to but in again, "I already took care of him, anyone else?"
"Nope! And by 'took care of him', do you mean kill him? I hope not, Chuuya would unleash corruption and kill you."
"No, I didn't kill him. I only hurt him. He may die from his wounds, but that's not my fault. Besides, no-one can tell it was me. Unless Dazai tells them, then I might have a problem."
"Dazai would have told them."
"Well shit."
You left... - Akuatsu
FanfictionI'm going to just write. I'm going to warn you now that this will suck. I'll update whenever. Akuatsu