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"𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒏 𝑾𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈"
LEO | mar
MAY 2020
Atlanta 📍

"Pass the fucking ball! Bro, I swear you're trash!" I exclaimed into the mic.

"Nigga, how am I trash? You just got a fucking foul!" Germ screamed back.

"You know what- I'm off this." I unplugged my game and sat on my bed for a sec before deciding to get out my guitar.

It'd been about a week since the fight with Ali, and to be honest, I missed her like crazy. Neither us had contacted each other, so right now the whole friend group was kinda split by gender which was understandable. I just hoped she realized where I was coming from. After being laid up for a few months, I thought she'd get why I felt betrayed.

It felt just like it did with my parents. People you expect to have your back betray you and leave you to fend for yourself.

I played a few doings on my guitar before heading where I needed to go- to Dr. Davis' office.

I threw on some black jeans, some obsidian blue jordan's, and a white tee with a blue graphic on it. I didn't really eat much recently, but it didn't matter I ate enough. So, I just made my way there.

"Mar! I'm so glad to see you, bro! You missed your last appointment so I got so worried about my fav patient." Her red hair shook.

"You always try to talk like me when I come in here man, and yea I know but here I am making it up."

"Ugh, that is so bonkers! So tell me, why have you decided to come today and rate your anger on a scale of one to ten?" She adjusted her white blouse.

"7.5." I said lowering my head

"Lord have mercy! Why?"

"Well, so- wait you're not allowed to tell anyone right?" I questioned her.

"No, I would've already told about you killing Mo." She smiled at me.

"Sounds a little opp-ish to me but okay so, me and Aliana got into a big fight."

"Alright , why?"

"So, long story short, we was at a party and she was dancing on her like ex-friend with benefits. But when they first started dancing m, I was outside chilling with some of my friends," I then explained the rest.

"Wow that's crazy! So you killed Von? Wasn't he best friends with Mo?"

"Yea, doc. They were mad close. So, I was wondering why Ali and him were all up on each other. I felt so disrespected."

"Okay, so why did feel that way?"

"I felt disrespected because I thought we were more than friends. Plus everyone know we be together all the time. I just assumed that people would back off of her cause they assumed we were together."

"Okay, and what did Ali say about this?"

"In the fight, she said how we were best friends and how she didn't mean to betray me. Just stupid shit like that. Oh and she was mad cause I was yelling at her, but Ion really care bout that."

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