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LEO | mar
MAY 2020
Atlanta 📍

"Mar, I got some dominoes!" Jay called from the kicthen.

I didn't want any.

He silently came into my room and left the plate on my nightstand. I could get up and get it myself if I wanted to. I took ate one slice of the three he left. It was the first thing I ate all day, but I wasn't hungry.

This was becoming routine. Jay came in after being with Key. He would announce that he brought home some food, and then he would leave it on the night stand or dresser without saying anything. This was the fourth time.

As I laid in my bed, I couldn't get my heart to stop hurting. It felt dull and confused after I let Ali get what she needed. At this point, I didn't care if it worked anymore because I just wanted it to come back to life.

I heard the front door close. However long later, I heard some loud knocking on the door. I didn't plan on getting it.

A couple minutes later another knock, knock, knock.

Then, the one that made me get up to fuck up whoever was at my door. I threw on some sweat pants and swung the door open. It was the girl that lived next door.

"I'm so so sorry! I have to pee soooo bad and my pipes are like broken." The girl stood there with her legs crossed liz

"Uh, ight. the bathrooms over there. The first door in the hallway." She was already annoying.

The girl came out and immediately asked, "wait, what's your name?"


"Mine is Phia."

I didn't answer her , but she still felt the need to say something.

"I'm just gonna be honest and tell you that I think you're fine as fuck and I definitely wouldn't mind talking to ya." Phoebe told me.

I stayed silent in shock.

"You got a girl?"

I was about to say yes, but then I remembered that she wasn't my girl. A nigga single single.

"Nah. I'm not looking for a relationship."

"Ight, then it'll be a friendship." She shrugged.

I knew she wouldn't stop until I said yes, "ight, that's cool."

"Don't be surprised when I come over here to chill witchu." Pherdenan gave me a weird look. Am I about to be violated? Um.

"That's cool." It wasn't.

I made sure to watch her walk out and shut the door and I made sure to lock that bitch too. I got
back under my covers and turned on my TV. I was trying to find a new show to watch. It couldn't be Grey's, so I had to find something else.

Giving up and not wanting to bother Ali, I just turned on the game and hopped on COD with Germ and Demon.

"Mar, my nigga?! Where you been?" Demon yelled into my headset.

"Doing me, like them hoes say." Why couldn't we just play the game?

"Heard you."

We played some rounds and these niggas were trash as shit. I shouldn't have had to carry the whole team.

"Can y'all hold some fucking weight?! Why do I gotta carry every time?!"

"Yo, Mar, calm down. Bro, it's not that deep."

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