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"𝑾𝒂𝒊𝒕 𝒂 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆!"
ALI | aliana
MAY 2020
Atlanta 📍
Me, and Riri crashed thought the double doors of the hospital after having my mom get Via. I needed to get to the fucking waiting room before Leo got worse. If he got worse, I would too and I wouldn't be able to help him without helping myself.

I was scared for Leo. I was scared for his mental health and for his aspirations. I didn't want his anger  and his depression to get in the way of his life. He couldn't keep living like this and we couldn't keep going back and forth.

Jay met us in the waiting room and showed us where Leo was. The closer we got the more clear his voice became. My hands shook.

"I don't give a fuck! Let me fucking out! Nigga, let me out! On my fucking momma, y'all got be fucked up!" I could hear his voice breaking.

I was the only one to walk into his room and I hated what I saw. There were three doctors standing around him. His hands and feet were tied to the bed. They would take him to the psych ward if he kept this up.

"What are y'all doing!?" I yelled causing them to turn  around. "Take those off of him, now!"

"Maam, because of his current mental state we are not allowed to free him from his confinement until he calms down."  I just ignored them.

"Okay, can you guys please get out?"

"I'ma kill all y'all motherfuckers! I swear I am! I know I can! I can! I can kill all of you!" My heart hurt.

"Yes, we can get out." The tall one with dark hair answered me.

When they got out, I thought of how I should handle this. Leo looked broken and tired. This wasn't his first time being shot at, so I was wondering why he was so upset.

"Leo? Can you calm down for me please?"

"I don't fucking care! Y'all racist bitches need to let me the fuck go! Make them, Ali! Make them!" He rose up against the ties.

"I'm trying, you just have to calm down for me."

"Ali, make them let me out! Please, baby! Make them let me go!" His voice cracked.

I got into his bed with him, "It's okay, I'm here. I know. Just, please, calm down? You have to, baby. I know it's hard but you have to." I rubbed his back and chest.

When I touched him, he broke down into tears. "Aliana, they fucking shot at me and-" He sobbed into me.

"Shhh, I know Leo, I know. Just take some deep breaths and then tell me."

I tried to breathe with him for a few minutes. He was breaking. I could tell he was at his breaking point from earlier today. Something had been off about him and this just set it off. But the thing was, I was hurting with him. My mind and soul ached trying to figure out how to fix him.

"My grandma is dead."

I stayed silent in shock.

"She fucking dead and I never tried to help her, man! I knew she was dying, bruh! And then," sob, "t-them niggas shot at me, while my aunt called  to tell me! They don't know the shit I fucking been through! I'm getting all those niggas once I get out this bitch!" His voice raised again.

I didn't know what to do or say, "You cant beat yourself up about that, okay? It wasn't your responsibility. We can worry about getting back at them later."

The doctors came in and took his hands and feet from the ties with me still in the bed. He just cried and cried into my chest for hours and hours. Leo whispered about all the things he wanted to get off his chest. I laid there and listened to him.

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