Level 3

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The sound of the guard's neck-snapping made me flinch awake, but I was more in pain than anything else.

"Easy Blake."

I groaned before my vision cleared up completely, I was on a gurney holding my head a bit.

"How are you feeling?"

Eva said as I sat up slightly.

"Weaker than usual."

"Well, the training can take that out of you."

"You did this for weeks?"

"Yeah, but it's only as intense as the person."

"I get I'm strong but they need to chill out-"

Before I could finish that complaint, Hazel walked in with a big grin.

"So Blake, how was the first test on level two?"

"If I'm being honest I think you cheated with whatever you shot us with."

Chuckling, Hazel dipped her head.

"True, but that is the final step before reaching level three. I hear you two are getting along famously."

"Well, you do like to spy on us constantly."

Eva added in, her attitude of Hazel is just as high as mine.

"Just because you don't agree on a moral level, doesn't mean you can't sleep together."

I swallowed slowly and my blush was definitely there.

"See? Even Blake is thinking it-"

"Hey hey, what did you actually come for? You are the head after all."

I said as Hazel cleared her throat and got to the point.

"You two aren't the only ones who've gone through this program, but either way I like to see you're growth firsthand. Good observation Blake, I am the head of this snake, but many can grow in its place remember that."

Hazel glared at us at that time, then left as Flynn walked in.

"Sorry, Eva didn't want to shoot you."

"Don't worry about it, it was merciful compared to how Hazel did it."

Pulling the gurney blanket off of me, my leg wound was stitched up and almost looked like it was already healing.

"Now that's freaky."

Flynn said which made me chuckle.

"How is your wound, Eva?"


Eva lifted up her shirt and the wound was completely healed, only a scar remained that left both of our mouths agape. She laughed then, as we joined her.

"You two are born prodigies, what can I get you guys to eat?"

Flynn returned with food for Eva, I decided to just opt for some hot water. It was quiet for a long time before either of us spoke again, at least on regular terms. We got better and better at the training, she started to kill too, and though they said I was stronger she was not far behind. Soon we never got injured and barely fatigued, the last day of the third week was a triumph. We disabled and disarmed Hazel and Flynn without killing them. Hazel firmly said.

"Very good, you two are going to level three."

High fiving, me and Eva shared a smile, before walking onto the elevator with Flynn and Hazel. Hazel pressed the button, as we rose, I found myself staring at Eva. A small part of me started to feel bad since I influenced her, but my darkness crept into my ears and said "Have fun" I started to wonder why until the elevator door dinged open. A huge club atmosphere blended everything in sight, drunk and high people everywhere. Flynn and Hazel pushed us both into it, as we were pulled onto the middle couches, before being left to ourselves.

"Blake, I don't know about this..."

Let's just say my head wasn't on straight, it was like I walked through a huge weed cloud, the energy in this room was surreal my eyes were fixed on it.


Flinching, I locked eyes with her knowing anything coming out of my mouth right now would be bogus.

"What's going through your head?"

"I want this, I really want this..."

My darkness stretched onto my cheeks and forearms, it wanted it too.

"Then take me instead."


Cutting me off with a kiss, she slid my hand down to her butt, as I squeezed it slightly. I was on the edge and she knew it.

"Come on, let's get some encouragement."

Two guys came up a pink square laying in their palms, then I thought about it, Eva started to move but I said.

"Wait, what if this is the test?"

Eva stopped then, as the two guys looked at each other.

"Whether we give in to our desires or stay focused on the mission."

"You're right."

And with that the surreal people turned deadly and started to attack us, knives and axes. I used my darkness to quickly create an orb around me and Eva. Breaking my X sending most of them back.

"There's gotta be an exit!"

I yelled Sparta kicking a guy into a table, punching a girl down.

"Maybe the elevator was the exit the whole time!"

Eva screamed before running and scissor kicking a guy into three others.

"Come close to me, I have an idea!"

Hugging her to my chest, I created an orb around our backs, then ran my darkness all the way to the elevator like a slingshot.

"Step back two steps, and we jump on three!"

"One, two..."

As we stepped together we said together.


Jumping up we flew forward, and with that boost we slid and stopped at the elevator. And just with our luck it wasn't opening. Eva banged on the door, but the ceiling looked awfully fake, creating an orb once again around me and Eva. I hugged her to my chest, then used my darkness to scale up the wall.

"How are you doing?-"

"I'd rather not speak about it till we're safe..."

I do get fatigued but only when I've been absorbing damage versus giving it. Like say all these surreal people throwing axes and knives at us every five seconds, so climbing and absorbing wears me out. But I finally got to the ceiling, though we were dangling very high, a singe window was our escape. Throwing us into this after just succeeding level two is really f'd up.

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