🔫🚨T is for trauma 🚨🔫

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Listen to the song while you read
~the moment your heart stopped mine changed forever~

Jessica's POV
He pulled out something. A heater.*BANG*. I yelled in pain and then everything went black.

Dallys POV
I was sitting on the Curtis couch wondering where Jess was. Then I heard a gun shot I thought it was nothing but then I heard a scream in pain.Jessica.I ran out of the house faster than anyone could get up. What I saw traumatized me. Down the road I saw a girl laying in a pile of blood. I already new it was her. I ran over to her trying not to cry but I need to be honest I couldn't take it I broke down balling. Soon Steve rushed over picking Jess up and bringing her to darrys car and we drove to the hospital as quick as we could her breathing was getting weaker and weaker. "Stay with me Jess please I need you" i said still balling. We got there and I ran in carrying her "hurting she is dying" i said with a huge lump in my throat. They brought her into a room and connected her to a bunch of cords. She started breathing regular speed again. I went in to check on her but they said I couldn't come in yet. Then I heard the heart monitor go flat. I broke down and collapsed to my knees.all I could hear was the long beep "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep-" I couldn't take it any more I ran out. I went to the nearest store and started looking at magazines. Then I ripped one. "You have to pay for that" the cashier said. I walked up to him and held a gun to his head. "Give me the money" i said quietly. He didn't move "GIVE ME THE MONEY" i yelled he gave me all I could hold. I then made a run for it. I went to the nearest phone and dialed the hospital. "Hello can I talk with Darrel Curtis please." I said impatient "sure" she put darry on the phone "Darry?" I said wondering if it was him "yeah" he said " I need your help I robbed a store and now I need you to hide me." I said regretting my reckless discussion. "Ok meet me at the lot"he said hanging up. I ran to the lot the police were right behind me I was not going to make it I pulled the heater out. It was never loaded I use it as a bluff. "You won't get me alive" i yelled as darry yelled something but I couldn't make it out. *BANG* *BANG* it all went black.

Jessica's POV
I saw a bright light and then my mom. "Mom" I asked confused "yes sweetheart it is me" mom I said running to her and hugging her. "Wait how can I see you let alone feel you" I asked "honey you have a choice to stay here and die or go back to everyone who loves you" she said worried "I want to stay mom I missed you" I said hugging her but she pulled away "you can't there are people down there that need you you had your time with me you can't just stop living because someone died." She said sternly " but mom" "no buts now go" she said walking me back to the light "I will miss you" i said hugging her again. "I will to now go." She said pushing me to the light. I walked back out of the light. When I opened my eyes I saw people nurses surrounding me. Then I saw dally being carried to a room with blood all aver him. I tried to get up and go after him but the nurses pushed me down. I started balling. I should have stayed with my mom the person I love the most is dying. The gang walked in and I wiped my tears away quickly. Steve and Hanna both hugged me first then the rest of the gang did " what happened how did you get shot." Hanna said "well your ex boyfriend came up to me and I asked what he wanted and I said I could beat him up again the he said he would like to see me try and started saying you were a slut and a waist of space." I said as tears slipped from her eyes soda then held her in his arms a kissed her head. "What happened to dally." I said crying "he thought you died so he robbed a store and then held a gun to the police so they shot and he wanted to be shot he couldn't go on without you" darry said and I started crying even more.

Dallys POV
I saw a bright light then mrs Peyton " mrs Payton " I asked "ahhh yes you must be the famous Dallas Winston Jess loves" she said "loved"i said quietly" oh so that is why you tried to die well I have news for you she isn't dead." She said but I didn't believe her "yeah sure I saw her heart stop" i said balling "yeah well she also payed a visit to me and I convinced her to stay there so go get your girl" and with that I walked back out from the light. I opened my eyes and Jess was trying to get in put nurses were holding her back. "I need to see him I need to say goodbye." She said balling "let her in" I said in a soft voice the nurses turned and Jess ran to me and kissed me. "I thought I lost you." She said with tears in her eyes. "Never remember I will always and forever love you even if I did die you would lose me I would still be in your heart." I said hugging her and she winced in pain "oh sorry" i said "it's fine" she said crawling into bed with me " you know I heard somewhere that people with shared trauma are meant to be together" I said brightening the mood. "Really than looks like we are meant to be together" she said "yep always and forever." I said drifting of to sleep.

Thanks for reading I think this is getting really good this is the longest so far with 1039 words not including this or the quote. Show your your friends this story and share your reactions. Night ❤️

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