Chapter Thirty-Three - Sophie

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"Hi, Sophie," Amy said in a small voice, waving. Sophie was frozen. For what must have been the fifteenth time in only a few days, her voice stopped working, her legs felt wobbly, and her heart seemed to have stopped completely. And then time went back to semi-normalcy, and she unfroze.

"Amy?" she managed to squeak out. "You?" Sophie looked at Mr. Forkle for confirmation.

"You... her?"

Mr. Forkle nodded. Sophie looked back at Amy.

"You took Stellarlune?" she asked in a deathly whisper.

Amy nodded, looking nervous at Sophie's reaction.

"You..." for a long moment, Sophie could hardly process it. Then her mind snapped, and she cried, "you took Stellarlune? Amy! Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? What if you'd gotten sick? Or... or worse? Amy, how could you? This was not worth it!"

"That's not what he told me," Amy said, jutting her chin at Mr. Forkle.

"You brainwashed her!" Sophie yelled.

"I did nothing of the sort, Miss Foster. If you would simply see reason and listen for a moment, we could talk, tell you-"

"I don't want to talk right now!" she cried. Actually cried. She hadn't realized it, but tears were running down her cheeks. Sophie pulled Amy into her arms and cried into her sister's hair. "You could have died, Amy," she whispered through the sobs.

"I know," Amy said softly.

"Then why!?"

"Sophie, it was the only way. I'm the only human they know of that actually knows about elven things, and I care. Heck, my sister is the one fighting these rebels. I've always hated waking up every day to knowing I'm stuck in my boring house on my boring road in my boring little town, doing nothing, while you and all your friends are over here saving the world. It's my turn. Sophie, I want to do this. I know you're going to argue that I'm too young, and other things. But I'm as old as you were when you first moved here, Sophie. I'm not the baby you left. I know you know that, somehow. Now you just need to realize it. I can handle a battering."

Sophie was left speechless at Amy's speech, but her sister wasn't done.

"Sophie, I know you're probably going to be really mad and worried about me. I just... one thing. Please don't be mad at Mr. Wrinkly Dude here. He only asked me. He gave me the details, and I said yes. He didn't pressure me at all. But I could see how important this was. I'm not going to ask you to stop worrying about me, because that's what sisters do. I wouldn't change that for the life of me. But... I want you to trust me. I... I need you to trust me, Sophie. Please."

Sophie couldn't believe her ears, or eyes, for that matter. Her sister had grown, and she had matured so much in the few years Sophie had been gone. After a minute of hard thinking, she came to one of the hardest decisions in her life.

"Okay, Amy. I trust you. I've always... I've always trusted you. But now... now, I trust your judgment. If you say you're ready for this, I believe you."

"Thanks, sis," Amy said with a sigh of relief.

"But first you have to understand-"

"Nope," Amy interrupted. "Forkle's already given all the lectures. Believe me, I know every detail. Honestly, I probably know more than you do at this point," she giggled.

Sophie sighed. With Amy's expert way of prying information out of people, she wouldn't have been surprised.

"Not to break up the cute pile of adorable sisterly love here," Ro called from the corner. She had a small smile on her face, her arms folded across her chest. "but, don't we kind of have an evil band of villains to catch now?"

"Oh, right," Keefe said from off to the side.

"I see you've chosen," Amy said out of the corner of her mouth, just loud enough for Sophie to hear. Sophie jerked.

"What are you talking about? I didn't choose anyone! Keefe and I... we're just friends. We... I was just... stuff, about, stuff. But, no!"

"Uh-huh," Amy giggled. Sophie blushed and growled, somehow at the same time.

"Uh, guys," Keefe said, walking towards them. "What are we doing next?"

"Actually, I have directions for you," Mr. Forkle said. "Please go to Mr. Dizznee's house. We will finish up with a few details here and meet you there in an hour or two."

"What details?"

"Who's going to?"

"Why Dex's house?" Sophie, Amy, and Keefe all said at the same time.

Mr. Forkle looked a little overwhelmed. "Woah, there. Details... unimportant. Who? Me, Councilor Oralie, Councilor Bronte, Alden, and others. Also unimportant. Mr. Dizznee's house? Because Mr. Dizznee has something he would like to say. Does that answer your questions?"

"Yeah," Keefe, Sophie, and Amy all said in unison. Mr. Forkle nodded. Sophie wondered what it was Dex wanted to tell them.

"Good day, Miss Foster, Mr. Sencen, ... and Miss Foster Jr. Good to see you. And let me say, thank you. This could very well be the turning point our battle needs. And you, Miss Foster Jr., are the one bringing it to pass."

Word count: 926 (oof sorry so short)

Whoop, another chapter tonight! Even if it was short...

And yes, I am up at 3:15 again. Hehehehe... yeah. I was... doing stuff. Writing. Piano. Writing. Seminary. Writing. ... hehehehe sorry @KEEPPERFANSOKEEFE

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- Total_KOTLC_Fan

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