Chapter Twenty-Six - Sophie

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The room had erupted six hours before, talking and arguing and countering. Just like every other time something like this had happened. And finally, Sophie had had enough.

"Stop!" she screamed.

Her ears were pounding, her head spinning, her vision blurring. The day had been long and stressful, and she was so done. The only thing that had kept her together this long had been Keefe. He'd stayed by her side, not joining in the arguments. She wished he could send green breezes through to her, but she still hadn't had any lesson with a charger, so she didn't know how to control it and not shock Keefe again.

"Mr. Forkle, what are we doing?" she asked loudly. At this point, she didn't care what happened, as long as she got some sleep before then.

The whole room froze at her scream and turned to look at her, all conversations ceasing.

Mr. Forkle hesitated. He took a deep breath, then smiled. "Miss Foster, the decision is up to you."

Sophie – and the entire room – was stunned for a long second.

"Um, okay," Sophie stammered, "but why?"

"The same reason I showed you my true self. I trust you. It's not that I didn't before, but I believe you are more responsible and overall trustworthy than then. And since this letter is essentially addressed to you, I think you have the biggest right to deciding what to do."

Sophie was shocked into silence. Then her throat clogged up, and her vision blurred for a whole different reason than weariness.

"Are you... crying?" Linh asked timidly from the corner where she was sitting with the rest of their friends.

"Sophie, you're only supposed to cry at sad times," Dex said, his dimples showing.

"I'm not crying! I'm not! I just... got dust in my eyes," Sophie said weakly.

"What's wrong, Sophie?" Grady asked. He and Edaline – and all the parents – had leapt over as soon as Mr. Forkle had called them.

"Nothing's wrong. I told you. I just have some dust in my eye."

There was only silence. Sophie grunted in frustration.

"Fine. Maybe it's weird knowing I'm finally trusted. Maybe it's strange knowing I have control over something in my life for once. Maybe it's also hard knowing it's up to me to make a useful plan. And maybe all those emotions, put together, are pretty overwhelming."

"Yeah, I can feel that," Keefe said from next to her, rubbing his stomach. "But Foster, you're not alone in this. You don't have to make the plan by yourself. We're all here to help you. And whatever you need, we're here."



"We are."

"We love you, Sophie."

"You're not alone."

Everyone chimed in their own response, and Sophie was overwhelmed with love. She realized, once again, why she was doing this. Why she was working herself to the bone every day. This. Her family. Her friends. Everyone who had, did, and would support her in her life. They were the reason.

"Thank you guys. For everything," she said. This time, she didn't have to shout. Everyone heard her.

"Can we have a minute?" Keefe asked the room, and Sophie's heart leapt. "I just want to talk to Foster for a sec."

"Of course," Edaline said, shooing everyone out of the room. Grady and Fitz grumbled, and Sandor insisted on staying, if off to the side, but the room soon emptied, leaving Sophie and Keefe alone.

"I'm not going to ask if you're alright," Keefe said gently, "because I know you are. Even if things are a little wonky sometimes, even if people and things aren't working the way you need them to." He pressed his hand to his chest, a pained look filling his face. His voice lowered to a whisper, and he was staring at Sophie with a raw intensity she had never seen before.

"You'll be alright. Even if your heart feels like it's been ripped in two." His voice cracked, and he turned away, wiping at his eyes.

Sophie felt tears clog her throat. He was the only one who could relate. A sob escaped, however hard she tried to repress it. Keefe spun back around, his eyes red and regretful.

"I didn't mean to make you cry more," he whispered. Sophie shook her head, both throat and heart too full to say anything. Keefe pulled her into a hug, and they cried together, tears falling on each other's shoulders. And though Sophie had almost never cried so much at one time, her heart was, for once, at complete, full, comforting peace.


"Have you decided?" Mr. Forkle asked gently when Sophie, Keefe, and Sandor emerged, eyes red but much calmer. Sophie nodded in response to his question, sitting down on the stiff sofa in the Sencen living room.

She coughed, hoping she was choosing the right decision. Then she spoke.

"We're going to face them. We're going to ask questions. We're going to get answers. And if they refuse," she held up her hands, "these gloves come off. If it's natural talent they want, it's natural talent they'll get."

Everyone nodded. Sophie surprised at how many people were supporting her decision. Even Lord Cassius, acting fairly well-behaved because of the Councilors crowding his home, didn't say a word against it. But they hadn't heard the real thing yet.

"Who is attending, Miss Foster?" Mr. Forkle asked.

This was the biggest part of her plan. And also the hardest. She cleared her throat and glanced at Keefe. He gave her an encouraging nod and a thumbs up. She spoke.

"Everyone. That's the biggest part of my plan. I think everyone should come. Not only those who usually work with us, but also those who don't. We have so many talented citizens, quite of few of whom would willingly help us if we just asked. You saw Maruca. She joined because she knew she had an amazing strength and wanted to help. So many others would feel the same if we asked them, I'm sure. This house is huge. It can fit a ton of people. So I say we send out the word – who cares if the Neverseen hear? – and see who else is willing to help us save the world. Only those who wish to would come, so everyone would be entirely committed. We'll overpower the Neverseen by both commitment and pure numbers."

There. She'd said it. Sophie looked around the room doubtfully, taking in everyone's reactions. After a stressed minute (for Sophie, at least,) of the Collective talking telepathically, Mr. Forkle straightened and turned to Sophie.

"We feel that this is a well-reasoned thought, Miss Foster. We all agree with you. Indeed, we wonder why we did not think of it before now."

Sophie let a breath out.

Biana grinned. "Looks like we have ourselves a plan!"

Word count: 1211

We ended on a happy note, but whew... that middle part was heartbreaking. I almost cried, guys. Like, literally. No kidding. I NEVER do that about my own story. I was sooo close to the tears spilling over. Why am I doing this to myself? Ugh.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, because it was just... hard. In every way. Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment.

- Total_KOTLC_Fan

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