Chapter Thirty-Eight - Sophie

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When the four of them landed in Sophie's room at Havenfield, Sophie wobbled unsteadily. She still wasn't completely recovered from the shock that Ruy – of all people – was her biological father. But she shoved the thought away, hating the cold presence it planted in her mind whenever she thought about it.

"Over here, Miss Foster," Sandor said. "Please sit on the bed. Miss Ruewen will be up shortly to treat your hand."

"Actually, I could do it," Keefe suggested.

"Then who will treat your wound?"

"Foster, of course. Goodness knows she's had enough medical experience to know what to do," Keefe joked. Sandor narrowed his eyes, but after a moment, nodded.

"I will be in my usual spot outside the room if you need anything, Miss Foster," Sandor said squeakily. Sophie nodded, telling her stupid heart to calm down. She and Keefe had been alone plenty. But she couldn't help feeling that this time, somehow things might be different.

Sandor gave Keefe a large stack of elixirs, treatments, and rolls of medical tape.

"I'll be out there too, Lord Hunkyhair. Don't mess this up," Ro muttered.

"Wait a minute," Keefe said with a frown when Sandor had stationed himself outside. "Why don't we just use the panakes?"

Sophie stared at him for so long that he started shifting uncomfortably. Then she stalked out of the room, down the stairs, out the door, and under the panakes tree, bodyguards trailing behind.

"Stupid brain," she muttered as she settled grumpily beneath it.

"Ouch, Foster, that hurts," Keefe said, coming up beside her.

"Not you, Keefe. Me. Why didn't I think of that?"

"Aw, stop going so hard on yourself. Everyone knows you can't beat the Keefester! Actually, in most brain stuff, you can... but that's beside the point!"

Sophie smiled, but it faded as she looked around and remembered where they were.

"Hey, Foster? Why'd your mood just drop like ten degrees? Isn't this place, like, your special spot?"

"It was... In a way, it still is. But this is also where..." She didn't finish, but she didn't need to.

"Where you heard I was dead?"


They were silent for a moment.

"Well, don't let me ruin that for you. Keep this as your special spot. Your "happy place", as the humans like to call it."

"I know, Keefe. I will. And, you didn't ruin it for me. Goodness knows it's not your fault you died." Did she ever think she'd be saying those words?

"I know. And... I'm not laden with guilt anymore. I still feel bad that it happened, of course, especially all the worry I put you guys through. But... I know it's not entirely my fault." Keefe picked up some fallen panakes leaves and tossed them from hand to hand, staring at them like they were the most interesting thing in the world. Then he looked up at Sophie.

He leaned closer. She felt her heartbeat stop for a full beat, then pick up again at twice the speed.

"We should probably get that hand fixed up," he said gently. He took her hand, and Sophie desperately hoped he couldn't feel her racing pulse. He pulled her gloves off and took her hand, before she could warn him.

"Keefe!" she cried. But there was no shock. He smiled at her.

"Guess you're so smart you figured it out by yourself," he said. He placed a panakes petal on her hand, where Vespera's cut was. Sophie immediately felt the pain ease.

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