Never leave me

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Y/n wake up with red puffy eyes, messy hair and with headache. She was so tired. Sleeping just 2 hours isn't best. Yes...she was whole night crying, her heart is heartbroken. And she still thinking about him and only him. Y/n love Finn so much even if she know him for less then 2 weeks, she need him.

Watching ceiling and thinking was only what she wanted do, but someone interrupted it. She heard 3 knocks on her front door. She didn't want answer it, but something in her mind make her.

Y/n went to the door and opened it. He was there....Finn. Finn and bouquet roses. She saw his puffy eyes and he saw hers. They were just standing there and looked at each other how mess they looks like.

"I'm fucking sorry" Finn said with crack voice. "I'm sorry...what I did was...I fucked up...I know you are mad...AND that okay...I don't blame you...but I love you okay ?" He said almost crying. "I ruined our first date bc of fucking work and.....I love you more then anything just....I bought you roses" he give her roses and she smile on him. Of course she was still hurt but he was too. He was really sorry and it's not like he was cheating or something like that.

"I'm sorry for overreacting" y/n said with sadness.

"No no don't need to be sorry was my fucking fault...I- I can't be without you. I was without you just one night and I felt fucking lonely, sad, angry and heartbroken...I need you and I want you and I fucking love you" He paused for second. "I'm not leaving to Atlanta..I- well I said I don't wanna"

"You can't just put your life away bc of me" she was angry not at him but at her bc she was the reason why he did that.

"I'm not putting my life away..." he take her free hand and step closer to her. "....because you are my life" she start crying. Y/n give roses on the ground and step closer to Finn. She give her hand on his check and kissed him. He kissed back. They both miss their kisses.

"I love you too" she added at the end. "So fucking much" he smile at hers words. "But never do that again" he nod softly.

"I promise"

They both went to the y/n's house. Just talking, laughing and cuddling make them happy again.

Love in the hospital/ Finn Wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now