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10 years later

Sitting on the same chair in the hospital waiting room. Somebody would said 'de javu'. But for Finn it was something new. Yeah he was crying in hospital like before 10 years, but this time they were happy tears. Of course he was worried about his wife....yes I said wife. Y/n and Finn are married

When y/n has 25th birthday Finn asked her to marry him and she said yes. It was beautiful wedding and for the two it seems like dream.

But back to the reality. Finn was deeply in his thoughts when nurse call his name. He stand up and follow her to the y/n's hospital room.

And there she was. His most beautiful wife with little baby on her lap. Finn can't handle it and start crying. He run to his wife, hugging her and kissing her over her face. Y/n start giggling and laughing at his reaction. Finn looks at his daughter.....Sophia.

"Hi little baby girl" he said, carefully touching her cheek. "I love you so much angel" he looks back at his wife. She looks at him, gently kissing his lips.

"I love you to the moon and back" she said, and kissing him again. They were kissing when they heard familiar voice.

"Where is she??" Said Jack cheerfully, y/n and Finn pulled away and looks at door. They saw Jack with Cylia and little baby...James. James was only 3 months older then Sophia.

"Hi, Jack and cylia" y/n said softly. She was really tired. "And little James" she added with higher voice.

"Hi, y/ are felling?" Cylia ask, going to the bed. Y/n just nod softly and said good simply. Jack, Cylia and y/n were talking about some stuff.

Finn take Sophia in his hand. She was holding his finger and he was just staring at her. He was the luckiest guy on the earth. The whole time he was smiling and little tears come from his eyes. Finn was looking at her like she was the most important and beautiful thing on the earth....for him she was. He didn't want anything other then this.

And there it was, Finn fall in love in the hospital for the second time.

The End

Love in the hospital/ Finn Wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now