Finding You

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Note: logic doesn't apply to this story.


A small basket appeared at the entrance of Hearslabyul's dormitory, nobody knew how it even got there, and if Riddle wasn't early, you would've probably been walked all over by the students in a hurry to get to class.
" this ?" Riddle asked, rising the basket to see it better.
It was made from wood and had a pink silk cloth covering it, hiding whatever was inside. A small pink ribbon was also attached to the handle, there was no name written on it or anything which could make the boy discover who the sender was or what was inside.

Hearslabyul's perfect is very mature, however, controlled by something similar to a child's curiosity, he slowly took off the silk cloth to discover what was inside.

The walls of the basket were also covered in a similar looking cloth, the same color and material,just a different model as it had a rose printed on one of the sides. Lying on the cloth was...
"A baby ?!" Riddle yelled, almost dropping you from the shock.

Of course that you began to cry when hearing him yelling. The red-haired boy didn't know what to do, he was an only child and had absolutely no idea what one would do when a child start crying. So he began to panic.

"Riddle! Are you...ok..." Trey asked, as he ran towards the place where he heard the boy screaming. He was expecting many things...just not a baby.
A small smile appeared on his face, seeing how Riddle was struggling to make you stop crying.
"T-trey! Do you have any idea how i am supposed to stop this thing?!" He asked, handing you over to the tall man.
Trey sighed as he grabbed you and started to swing you slowly from side to side, while holding you close to his chest. It was very calming, making you stop crying and gripping his shirt with your small chubby hands.

The next people to appear where Ace, Deuce and Cater, all alarmed by the prefect's scream.
"A baby ?!" Ace said when he saw what the vice-perfect was holding. "Wow, you should be really deal with kids so easily." He continued, with his eyes on the child.
"The cloth is pink so i assume that this child is a girl." Riddle said looking at you. He wasn't wrong, but it's not like anyone was going to check.
"She looks so cute, with those chubby cheeks of hers and those big e/c eyes! I should take a photo~" Cater said, as he took out his phone. Probably one of the worst choices he could've made. The flashlight scared you and so, you started crying once again.
Cater didn't even get to post the photo, he was taken by surprise by your sudden scream. Nobody knew what to do, and anything Trey tried didn't work.
However, Deuce had a strange idea, so he started making strange faces while you were looking at him.
"Dude...seriously..." sighed Ace.
But his strategy worked, you let go of Trey's shirt and tried to grab the blue-haired boy in front of you while laughing.
"Hm~ Deucy you would make quiet a good dad yourself~" Cater stated, making the boy blush a little.
"My mom told me she used to do that to me whenever i was crying..." he said, his face still red.
"Regardless, we should take this child to the director." Riddle stated, getting out of the dormitory, followed by the other four.


A small basket, seemingly handmade, was placed at the entrance if Savanaclaw' dormitory. The basket was looking pretty dirty, covered by a cloth of a strange dark-yellow. The first person to notice it was running around the dormitory, as training.
Jack noticed something strange and approached it with caution.
"Cookies ?" He asked himself. They could've been...but why and for whom ? The best choice was to bring them to the perfect....on a second thought the vice-perfect would've been better.

He ran, hugging the basket, scared that he will drop it if he isn't careful.
"Ruggie-senpai!" He said when he finally found where the small boy was.
"Oh? Jack, what do you have there ? A gift perhaps ?" He asked, teasingly.
"...this doesn't belong to you ?" Jack asked confused, Ruggie nodded.
"Let's check what's inside then." He said as he grabbed the basket from the boy's arms. Truth was that he only had one thought and hope: that inside the basket it was food...however, when he removed the cloth...instead of food in the basket it was a..
"Child ?!" Jack said, surprised, stepping back.
Ruggie didn't seem shocked but unsatisfied. He was really expecting food.
The cloth which was beyond you had a similar color to the one over the basket, except that it seemed less dirty and it had something which seemed like a cat sewed on it.
The boy started grinning.
"Let's go to Leona's room then." He said, laughing.
Jack couldn't understand why the vice-perfect was so happy but decided to follow him anyway.

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