Chapter 1 (The begining)

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Hi, my name is Y/N and I am Y/A years old. Right now, I am in a shitty home with my A/M and my A/D. want to know how it all started.

I was thinking about my O/M when we were a happy family, me and my O/B. He was so nice to me when we were kids but then something bad happened to my whole family one night. I was up on my phone looking at CP/F when I heard a noise in my house thinking it was my brother being clumsy I ignored it, but after a while the noise got even louder so I went to go and check it out.

When I went downstairs, I had a gut feeling that someone was watching me so I turned around, but to my surprise there was no one there so I kept looking around. As I was looking around I noticed that there was a little bit of blood on the walls, this got me freaked out so I decided to find a torch to look at it better but then I heard a male voice coming in the kitchen. When I went into the kitchen, I had the shock of my life.

My brother was hanged from a piece of rope dead and my OA/M and OA/D were possessed with red dark magic. That's when I saw him or her or whatever it was. He looked like a demon with horns on it. That's when it started talking to me.? If you think you are safe enough you are dead wrong, you shall suffer just like everyone else in your family did oh and the next time I ever see you, I will kill you and rip you into shreds. Then it vanished in a cloud of smoke.

I stopped thinking about my O/M and I decided to get my phone since my A/M and A/D were away drinking and having fucking fun like they always do. I ran into the living room and got my phone then walked back into my room and looked at CP/F.

Now don't ask me why but I always thought of being a killer just like my favourite creepypasta Jeff the killer, I mean he killed his brother, his mom and his dad after he went insane and no, I am not a fangirl. Everyone on the internet says that creepypasta is not real. To me I think it's real.

It was getting late and I decided to go to bed. I turned everything in the house, and I shut of my phone and fell asleep. I only got five hours of sleep when I heard a noise. Now I live near the woods and the noise was coming from outside. So, I got up grab my phone, food, a torch, water, a knife and anything else that I can think of. I grabbed the keys to my house and went outside to investigate the woods.

As I turned the torch on, I saw dead trees with no leaves on them. After a little while I got lost and I couldn't find my way back so I just sat there and went on my phone but then I heard yelling, and sure enough there was my A/M and A/D standing there looking very angry at me. My A/D grabbed me by the neck and dragged me all the way back to my hell house. (Of course, I put my phone in my pocket before they could smash it)

(Jeff the killer's Pov)

I noticed the girl coming into the woods and it looked like she had been bashed up badly, I mean who gives her parents the right to go and bash up their own daughter. You see I have been spying on the girl and I think her name was Y/N. Slenderman also wanted me to keep an eye on this girl because she had something that zalgo wanted and he didn't wanted her to get hurt. Anyway, I think I heard Slenderman talking to me on how he used to know Y/N'S Uncle. He said to me that they used to hang out a lot until zalgo killed him. (If you don't have an uncle just pretended you do have one and call him whatever you want to call him).

So right now, I am listening to Y/N mean nasty A/M and her A/D yelling and bashing her up with pieces of wood. I didn't want to get involved but she couldn't take anymore, and she passed out

(Y/N Pov)

Darkness is all that I can see right now. A few hours later I woke up to noticed that I wasn't getting bashed, but I was laying on my bed with bandages on me. Next, I noticed that there was a young boy sitting there fast asleep. So, I was assuming that he was the one that saved me from my A/M and my A/D.

Then I noticed that he wasn't a normal person. His eyelids looked like they were burnt off and his mouth was cut into a deeper smile and oh god I think I just saw a fucking knife in his pocket. But before I could say anything else, he woke up.

(Jeff the killer Pov)

I woke up to see that the girl has also woken up, but she looked happy and scared at the same time. We looked at each other before she decided to say something.

Y/N= hello I have heard so much about you... Maybe I should shut my mouth before you kill me. (Authors note. This was so cheesy)

Jeff the killer= hey Y/N how did you know who I am? (Is she a fucking fan girl?)

Y/N= how do you know my name? (How the fuck is this dude real?)

Jeff the killer= who wants to start you or me. (Yes Y/N I think you have some explaining to do)

Y/N= I think you should start I mean one you don't make yourself feel comfortable when you are in someone else's house, two you don't just know someone else's name and three why aren't you killing me I mean you kill people.

Jeff the killer= whoa hold your horses woman let me explain so that we are clear okay. First of all I was the one that helped you got away from you're A/M and you're A/D so that you didn't get killed, second of all if you wanted to know how I know your name, I was spying on you and third of all I can't kill you because my boss wants me to keep you safe.

Y/N= but why do you need to keep me safe. And to finish the question you asked me there is heaps of stories of you on the internet. (Also, the internet makes fun of you, Ha)

Jeff the killer= who cares about the internet. (Well I fucking do, fucking stupid memes) Anyway the reason we need to keep you safe is because someone is after you.

Y/N= who is after me?

Then before Jeff the killer can reply there is the sound of police sirens outside the house. There is yelling and the sound of shooting outside.

Jeff the killer= shit it's the fucking police.

Y/N= why are they here then!

Jeff the killer= because I decided to kill, you're A/M and you're A/D because I didn't wanted to see you suffer anymore, anyway we need to get out of here, get your stuff quick we are leaving.

Y/N= thank you (for a killer he isn't so bad)

Jeff the killer= don't thank me yet you want to remember that I am a killer and that I am wanted. (How is she so fucking calm?)

So, Y/N decided to grab her phone, food, a torch, a phone charger, spare clothes, and the other little things that Y/N packed. Y/N and Jeff jumped out a window while one of the officers weren't looking and they made a run for it. Down into the woods they ran until they could not see the police anymore.

Jeff the killer= it looks like we fucking lost them, hey Y/N are you okay I mean your injuries aren't that good. (Of course, they aren't you dumb idiot Jeff, why ask such a stupid question)

Y/N= I'm fine it just hurts when I walk on my legs but apart from that I am okay.

Then after a split-second Y/N goes over and hugs Jeff the killer.

Y/N = thank you for getting me out of that hell hole.

Jeff hugs back and then says

Jeff the killer= your welcome I guess now follow me; I know some people that might be able to help you plus my boss contacted me saying that he really wants to meet you.

Y/N = are they killers just like you Jeff. (Shit if there are, they will kill me!)

Jeff sighs and looks at Y/N with a serious expression on his face.

Jeff the killer= all right but if I tell you... you promise not to tell anyone okay.

Y/N= I promise Jeff. (How can I tell anyone; I have no friends and family?)

welp that's the first chapter done. I look back at this and realized how bad this was. still if you guys injoy this, please let me know in the comments below.

Have a nice day everyone

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