Chapter 7 (The rescue plan and Realized feelings)

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Jeff's POV (time= 11.30PM)

Why did he do this to us, I starting to gain feelings for Y/N, but it's wrong for me to love her I mean I'm a serial killer and she is just a normal human. I'm so fucked up right now I haven't talked to anyone since I got back. Liu won't stop asking if I'm okay, I don't blame him, he used to look after me all the time.

Liu= please Jeff open the dam door, I know she means a lot to you, but you can't just stand around and ignore everyone that tries to talk to you. Please brother I just want to help you.

I have no other choice but to let my brother in. he smiles knowing that I needed someone to talk to. He sits on my bed and pats the bed so I can sit down.

Jeff= I'm sorry for being an asshole Liu it's just I miss her a lot.

Liu= you are not being an asshole; don't you ever say that about yourself. I understand why you won't go to sleep. (Yeah no okay). I really do, you love her so much don't you.

Jeff= yeah there's something that I can't describe about her, it's like I need her here all the time, like I need to look at her every five minutes, i-

Liu= shush I know how much you like her. And that's why we are going to get her tomorrow okay.

Jeff= yeah, your right Liu, well I going to sleep, night.

Liu= see you in the morning brother.

Liu then gets up and closes the door. Jeff looks at the window once more before heading off into a deep sleep.

Day 4 (time= 8.30AM) Y/N POV

Oh yeah that's right I am stuck with this asshole, but to be honest here, he hasn't tried to hurt me or chain me up. Am I really that special to him? Anyway, I need to find my way out of here. Then I hear voices from the other side of the room.

? Yeah so you have her in this room do you lord Zalgo. Wait till slendy sees what we are going to do with her. She will be the strongest creepypasta ever and Slenderman and the others won't be able to stop her.

Zalgo= yes but we need to make sure that she trusts us first. We also need to be on the run when Slenderman and his gang comes. We must not let our plan fail. If she finds out what we are going to do to her then she might run away from us. Anyway, go and get her please.

? Anything for you lord Zalgo

I noticed that they have stopped talking and the door handle was turning so I sat on the bed pretending not to hear anything. The door swings open and a clown is standing at the door. She laughs at me.

? Wow, what a good little girl you are. Waiting for the orders to come. Don't worry my name is candy pop, anyway what is your name sweetheart.

Y/N= why am I here? What do you want from me? Why can't Zalgo tell me anything?

Candy pop= Now you listen up, we don't need you alive to do this test on you, but the reason you are alive is because Zalgo cares about you. The Slenderman you know isn't who he is. Yes, zalgo killed your parents but they aren't dead. They have just been a distraction to you that's all.

Y/N= but what about my brother. You killed him as well! And what were you talking about earlier huh! Oh, about me being the strongest creepypasta ever. Why is that?

Candy pop= and I thought you were going to be a good little girl. Guess not. I can't exactly tell you why you are going to be the strongest creepypasta ever. But what I can tell you is that, you will be the one to end Slenderman.

Y/N= what's that supposed to mean!?

Candy pop= wait and see sweetheart. Wait and see! Oh, and about your brother... well he doesn't matter anymore.

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