chapter 3 (Meeting more of the gang and the reveal)

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(2 hours later)

Sally had enough of playing with me, Jeff and Ben so Sally wanted to play by herself. Jeff then shows me around the mansion so that I know where to go. (Including my room where I am sleeping)

He then showed me the living room where Ben, EJ and ticci toby were playing video games on the couch. Then the five of us see Slenderman looking down at us.

Slenderman= guys I have some very bad news to tell you. Y/N doesn't know but I have 3 other brothers that are coming down to the mansion this afternoon and we need to get this place clean before they come down here.

Y/N= Slenderman who are your three brothers?

Slenderman= find out yourself. (You can tell Slenderman doesn't want to see them)

Then Slenderman waves at us to say he is going back to his office to work. When Slenderman is gone the four boys start to panic for no fucking dam reason.

Ben drowned= I thought he was coming next week, why are they coming down today. They better not ruin any of my video games otherwise I will kill them even If slendy gets pissed off at me.

EJ= great now that they are fucking coming, what are we going to do I mean Trenderman loves to make sure that people are looking there best like if as if we are going to a fancy party, Offenderman gives us fucking tips on how to hit on the ladies and he flirts with every single girl that he sees and don't start on Splendorman because he is so bloody happy all the dam time.

Y/N= they sound like good people I mean I haven't seen them before, and you don't just judge a book by its cover.

Jeff the killer= Y/N prepare for your worst nightmare. (Y/N you have been warned)

So, everyone got everything ready to set up the place so that the place was neat and tidy. By the end of the day when the evening was here, Slenderman, Jeff the killer and Y/N was waiting for the 3 brothers to arrive. After what it seemed like forever, the three brothers arrived at last. (Because everyone else left).

Slenderman= oh great another day to spend with my brothers. (Author's note, Slenderman is not over keen to see his brothers that much).

Splendorman= ah if it isn't our lovely brother Slenderman, I missed u so much. Come give your best brother a hug.

Splendorman comes over and gives Slenderman a big hug.

Slenderman= it's only been a month Splendorman I mean why it hasn't been a year for god sake. (Yay!) (Note the sarcasm)

Offenderman and Trenderman comes inside the mansion and looks around. Then the three brothers noticed Y/N looking at them.

Trenderman= not to be rude or anything but who is this young girl and why is she in the mansion.

Offenderman=~ well whoever this fine sexy young girl is, she is hot as fuck I do say~. (Again Y/N you have been warned)

Slenderman= do not touch her please, she is the girl we are supposed to look after, please introduce yourself young lady.

Y/N= hello my name is Y/N and I must be here since someone is after me, it's a pleasure meeting you all.

Splendorman and Trenderman nods while Offenderman tries to get really close to Y/N. (when I mean close, I mean close).

Slenderman= look out Y/N here comes trouble. (Here we go again).

Offenderman= ~now Y/N, ever had a boyfriend before because I can show you what it feels like to have one~. ~How about we take a day to get to know each better~

Jeff comes into the kitchen and growls at Offenderman only because he doesn't want Y/N to get too involved with slendy's brothers. (Jeff is okay with splendorman, Slenderman and trenderman). Oh, did I also see Jeff have an annoyed/angry face on him.

Jeff the killer= now offenderman we don't want any enemies now do we, so I suggest that Y/N should be friends and only friends with you. You have only have meet her for about 10 minutes now and one last thing SHE is my first best friend and if I see you flirt with her again, I will fucking kill you and smile dog can have you for a meal. (Because smile dog's face is kinda scary)

After Jeff the killer says that offenderman shuts up knowing how bad smile dog can be when Jeff tells him to kill. Y/N gets puzzled at the name smile dog but before she could reply, trenderman comes over and starts a conversation with Y/N.

Trenderman comes in and starts speaking with Y/N.

Trenderman= hello Y/N I must say your F/O is stunning of course but it needs more dark colours in there. But let's not talk about fashion, I want to know everything about you. (When does he not want to know about fashion?)

Y/N= well get everyone in the lounge room and I will tell you somethings about me okay.

So, the three brothers, Jeff the killer, Slenderman and Y/N goes into the living room where everyone else is. Ben, masky and ticci toby was versing each other on their 3ds. Sally and Jane were dressing hoodie up cause why not. And there was a girl with a clock in her eye, also there was a very weird kind looking dog that wouldn't stop smiling.

Slenderman= everyone please listen up, Ben, masky, hoodie, show some respect for once and listen to me.

Everyone stops and turns to Slenderman only because they don't want to get slendy angry.

Slenderman= my three brothers are here as u would know, also Y/N is going to tell us a little bit about herself, so I want u all to show her some respect and don't bother trying to go on your phones or doing whatever u want because like I said there will be punishment.

Slenderman moves out the way so that I can speak

Y/N= as some people already know my name, I just wanted u all to know me a bit better so that we are all on the same page. To answer your questions please wait until I finished talking okay. (Everyone nods as Y/N continues to talk). So as some of you know I already know who you all are because I look up my CP/F page to know who you all are.

Ben drowned= what so your telling me that you already know us.

Y/N ignores ben and continues to speak about herself. It went to her F/C, F/VG, CP/F, and F/A\F/TV then to her past with her O/B, her A/M and her A/D. then Y/N talks about the time when she had a rough encounter with a beast with horns. After Y/N stopped talking everyone was very quiet, some were shaking, and others didn't even blink. (Lol even Jeff).

The creepypasta crew= Zalgo!!! (By the look on their faces they were very angry).

Y/N= um excuse me but who is Zalgo?

Slenderman= zalgo is a dangerous creepypasta who wants to turn good into evil, I am so sorry to tell you this Y/N but the person who is controlling your parents and who killed your brother is Zalgo. He was the one who made you suffer and now that all of your family and past family is dead, he will now kill you.

Y/N drops down on her knees and starts to cry. Some of the creepypasta come over to her and try to tell her that she is safe, and everything is okay. But Y/N ignores them and runs up to her room where Jeff had showed her. Y/N shuts the door and then noticed her phone and her other personal belongings were sitting on the bed.

chapter 3 done and dusted 

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