Chapter 4 (The big Decision and mixed feelings)

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Y/N is now looking out the window when the door starts to open. She turns around to notice a husky with human-like teeth with red fur. (Sorry it looks red). The husky walks over to her with that look still, Y/N braces the impact but instead of hearing crushed bones, she noticed the husky was licking her hand. (You can choose left or right hand).

Y/N noticed Jeff standing there at the door smiling (a real smile) right at me. He then comes over and sits on my bed next to me.

Jeff= I left you for a while, so I let smile dog in for you. Hope he didn't scare you.

Y/N= no he didn't ... um is this your dog Jeff.

Just then smile dog turns around and changes into a human like version of himself.

Smile dog= yeah sexy I must put up with this asshole because he orders me around and tells me what to do, besides I am a human too, so I get some respect around here.

Jeff= shut up dog (notice the pun no okay read on) I was told by Slenderman to look after you and besides Y/N likes you now.

Smile dog= yeah true... so are you new here. Sorry about me flirting with ya.

Y/N= my name is Y/N, yeah, I am new here.

Smile dog= sorry to hear what happened to your family must have been hard for ya.

Just as Y/N was about to reply, toby comes rushing in with excitement.

Jeff= dude what the fuck is wrong with you. (Is he fucking high or something?)

Toby= S-Slenderman w-wants Y/N n-now.

Jeff= Fine!

Toby leaves the room and Jeff comes over to smile dog and tells him to leave. Smile dog grumbles at the thought of not talking to Y/N much and leaves giving Jeff a nice death glare. Jeff then closes the door and speaks.

Y/N= what's going on Jeff?

Jeff= Slenderman wants to see you!

So, Jeff and Y/N get up and walk over to the door and exit the room while closing the door. Then they head downstairs where some of the other creepypasta's were. (You can picture who's down there). Anyway, they walked past the lounge room and the kitchen and headed towards Slenderman's office.

There was a voice in Y/N and Jeff's head telling them to come inside the office. They walk in and see Slenderman sitting near his desk. He tells them both to take a seat. (What he means is only Y/N)

Slenderman= Y/N I understand that it is very late in the night, so I won't hold you up. Anyway, do you know why I have brought you here to talk? Also, Jeff do you mind if you can leave.

Jeff POV

Wtf he wants me to leave Y/N. for a while I had this weird feeling inside of me. Probably ask the bitch Jane, but then she will kill me since she is best friends with Y/N. no point asking Slenderman or his brothers because they will judge. Eyeless jack and laughing jack are off the list as well. Sally is too young to hear this kinda of stuff. Great that leaves ben... fine I guess I can ask ben I mean how hard it is. (Be very scared Jeff)

(No one's POV)

After Jeff leaves, I shake my head with a no.

Slenderman= I see then.

Slenderman pauses for a minute, then he speaks.

Slenderman= the reason that I have brought you here is because as both of us know, zalgo is after you. So, I have come up with an idea.

Y/N= what is it sir?

Slenderman= I want you to be a creepypasta.

Y/N= ... Slenderman... again.

Slenderman= you heard me clearly. I want you to be a creepypasta. If you can somehow train to be a creepypasta, we can all kill zalgo together and show him who is boss.

Y/N= I need some time to think.

Y/N gets up out of her chair and starts walking to the door, she ignores Slenderman asking if she is okay. She storms past some of the other creepypasta's and heads up to her room.

Eyeless jack POV

What's up with Y/N?

Jane's POV

Something must has upset Y/N to storm out of slenderman's office. I'm going to see if she is okay.

Jeff POV

I wonder what's Slenderman has done with Y/N. stop being so soft on yourself Jeff, get your shit together Jeff, Fuck I really need to see Ben right now.

Normal POV

Y/N storms away from Slenderman and heads into her room to get her stuff such as her phone and her other stuff she grabbed when she left her home. Y/N= it's not up to Slenderman to tell me what to do. Y/N notices that her window was open. (Probably toby and raining waffles lol). She risked the choice by jumping out the window.

Sometime later when I left the mansion, I saw an old shed that looked like a hideout, so I decided to sleep there for the night.

Time skip to 1 hour later in the night. (Don't worry Y/N is asleep) (Current time= 11.45pm)

(Ben POV)

Ah the life of video games. I mean I would die without video games.

Just as ben just said that. Jeff comes running into his room and slams into ben which corrupted his game that he was playing. (Rip video games). The boys finally get of each other

Ben drowned= not my video games, you fucking idiot.

Jeff= it's not my fault chill, anyway I want to ask you something. Jeff pauses and looks at ben waiting for an answer.

Ben drowned= you are asking me a question. Wow who told you to come here. Ben then pauses and looks at Jeff who has a serious look meaning he is not joking. Ben drowned= I see you are not joking but what do you want.

Jeff= I came to you to tell me what I'm feeling right now. It's like every single time that I see Y/N, I feel like I need to talk to every single time, every time I see her with another boy, it makes me angry and that I need to be close to Y/N.

Ben drowned= well first you are jealous because you don't want anyone being with her. Second, the only reason you need to talk to her is because of what happened to her and third of all, you love her.

Jeff= okay first I don't care if she hangs out with other boys, only if they touch her, I might get pissed off. Second, I am not going to see her just because she had a fight with Slenderman and stormed off and third of all, I don't like her like that.

Ben drowned= oh yeah what is that feeling Jeff if you are so smart.

But before Jeff could answer. Toby comes rushing in along, sweat is running along his face, Slenderman and some of the advanced creepypasta's are standing there with worried looks on their faces.

Toby= Y-Y/N... S-She...

Jeff and Ben= spit it out toby!

Toby= She's gone. We checked all over the mansion but she's not there, all of her stuff is gone, I bet she did a runner.

Slenderman= we need to act fast gang.

Everyone= right!!!!

oh so you have done a runner, what's going to happen to you, well stick around to find out. decided to do a short chapter this time.

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