Chapter Thirteen

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When we are back in Victor's Village I turn to Katniss. "Will you come over for a little bit? I have a painting I want you to see."
She smiles and says, "Yes, okay."

We walk to my door, hand in hand. When we enter I see Haymitch, Annie, Johanna, Effie, and Beetee. Johanna comes over to me and says, "Welcome home, kiddo!" She gives me a hug and whispers into my ear. She says we need to talk as soon as possible.

Later in the evening, everyone leaves besides Katniss and Johanna. Katniss is asleep on the coach, so I go ask Johanna what she needs.
"Why did you break up with Katniss? Are you really that stupid, Peeta?" she asks.
"Johanna, do you realize how easy it is for me to hurt her? Once she gets over this broken heart, if that's even what you call it, she'll be fine," I assure her.
She snaps her fingers in my face as she says, "Wake up!"
"What are you talking about?"
"She won't get over this! ARE YOU INSANE? Are you even using your head? Clearly you aren't. She needs you, and you need her. You were engaged! That's not something you easily overcome. I'll tell what you're going to do, dummy. Wake her up and fix this."
"No! I can't," I tell her.
"You think I don't remember the way you screamed for her in the Capitol? You think I don't know you still scream for her? And you will forever unless you go fix it," she says.
"Leave and I'll talk to her," I say sternly.
"Fine. Tell brainless I'm in her house."

Johanna leaves, and I think about what she said. I know she is right. I walk over to Katniss and shake her lightly. "Katniss, I never did show you that painting," I whisper.
She stretches and says, "Alright, lemme see it."
I grab her hand and pull her up the steps. The painting is of Prim and as soon as she sees it, tears fill her eyes. "You can have it, if you want. And I'd like to have you, again. If you want...."
She buries her face in my chest and cries softly.
"I'm sorry for being a jerk. I need you. Please take me back, I promise I'll never hurt you again. I just want to plan our wedding and live happily ever after," I say.
"Of course, Peeta." She kisses me, hard. And I return the kiss even harder.

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