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📍Los Angeles, USA

kiramikaelson 📍Los Angeles, USA

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"Two of the Mikaelson women.

phoebejtonkin therealjosephmorgan and other

phoebejtonkin: da quanto tempo🥺

therealjosephmorgan: two of our women
kiramikaelson: ❤️

lifeofryliev: my girls
phoebejtonkin liked this comment
kiramikaelson liked this comment

mrdanielgillies: H&K

claireholt: my sisters
thedaniellecampbell: our sisters!
claireholt: 😂

elijahswife: oh my God!

inlovewiththemikaelson: 😍

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📍Los Angeles, USA

"My little Charlotte made this

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"My little Charlotte made this.
#newlook 🥰"

mrdanielgillies elijahswife and others

mrdanielgillies: ❤️

inlovewiththemikaelson: ma quanto sei bella?🥺

gilliesfamily: Charlotte è piccola ma è più brava di me a fare le foto🤦🏻‍♀️.

therealjosephmorgan: She grew up so fast
kiramikaelson: oh yes...

rachelleighcook: ti adora alla follia
kiramikaelson: e non ha idea di quanto io adori lei.

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- CONNECTION - Joseph Morgan Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora