Ch 7 - That Moment

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Chapter 7


Here is a thing about them. They suck, big time, and even more when you are a school-going-lousy-excuse-for-a-teenager. It doesn't really help if you are a freak and also if your big brother just died. None of it is marshmallow.

But when you realize there is hardly a month left for school to get over for you, you immidiately are joyful about that fact. You can smile from ear to ear still remembering what your brother migh have said if he was alive - "Carry on my wayward son. There'll be peace when its done."

That is exactly how I feel right now. I miss Chris, very much. Burying him only made it worse. On the other hand there was Anne, who is so unaware of the fact that her boyfriend, or future husband for that matter is gone, forever.

I promised Chris, I'll be there for her. And I, under any circumstances won't let myself forget that promise. I had to pick her up today, since today we had to get back to school. Her first day after the accident shouldn't be that much of a problem except if anyone comes up and asks her about Chris. Now THAT would be bummer.

I got ready as fast I could and was out of the house, driving down to Anne's house.

I guess she heard my trashy truck since she came out smiling at me, shutting the door behind her. She walked up till the car as I streched fully and opened the door for her.

"Good morning" I said managing a half smile.

"Good morning" she flased her perfect teeth "School right?"

"Yup" I nodded starting the engine and driving off to school

"So, how exactly is our school Alex?" she asked after some time tolerating being a victim of silence

Well, thinking back I'll say its s****y, totally and utterly boring and specially not a place you should be going because you have dumb friends who pretend they rule the school.

But, of course instead of saying that I said something much sober - "It's good."

"Uh huh, tell me something more?" she was making it difficult

"You are on the cheerleading team." I said plaining steering the wheel

"That is suppose to be good?"

"It is suppose to. You are the head actually."

"Oh" she sighed sadly

"Whats wrong?" I asked noticing the hint of hesitation in the 'oh' she led out

"Nothing, its just that I can't even handle myself, I need you to keep me sane. How am I suppose to handle the whole cheerleading team? For heaven's sake I'm -"

Before she could say anymore I stopped the car and looked at her intently. I took her face in my hands and looked deep into her eyes as she blinked slowly and innocently.

"Anne, you had been doing this way before than you hit your head. Trust me, you CAN. There is nothing you can't do for that matter. You are the best head I've known. So stop sulking. And considering you need me, I'll be there to help you if you feel you need me." I finished with taking a deep breathe as I heard Avril Lavigne's Innocence play on the radio.

She just stared at me without opening her mouth to say something. Her eyes slowly closed and her face came closer quickly before my mind could rejister what was happening.


I heard the car honk behind us. I let Anne go as I got back to the steering abrubtly without second thoughts. I started the engine and drove fast towards the school parking lot.

I made a mental note not to do that again, like holding her and stuff, it always ends up in intense make outs, I know. And I can't risk that right now. There might be a chance that she'll remember Chris.

After we reached school I ignored every stare she gave me. I didn't make eye contact at all when I left her in her first class.

"Alex!" she yelled

But I walked on towards my locker without giving her a look.

Even though yes, this innocence is brillient. I hope that it'll stay. That moment was perfect, I wish we stayed that way. But she needs me, not in the way we both want.

God, what is happening to me?

I hate this.


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Also, there is a song between the lines. So, if you notice it let me know :D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2012 ⏰

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