The cave of two lovers

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"You guys are gonna be done soon right?" Sokka asks while floating on a leaf in the river. Aang, Katara and I are practicing our water bending. "We've got a lot of ground to cover if we wanna make it to Omashu today."

"Like you're ready to go right now naked guy?" Katara smirks at Sokka.

"I can be ready in two minutes. Seriously. Whenever." Sokka lifts up the hair from his eyes when he says this.

"So you were showing me the octopus form?"Aang asks me. I motion for katara to go and chill, she's mastered waterbending by now.

"Right. Let me see your stance." I reply to Aang. He gets into a stance.
"Hmm.. looks a bit iffy." I say.
I walk over to him. "Your arms are to far apart, if you protect your centre." I go behind him and move his arms closer. "You got it?" I ask him.

He blushes. "Oh, yeah. Thanks."

I walk away. "Ok, let's see what you got."

He moves a blob of water from the river and moves into the octopus form. I send sharp quick icicles towards him and he manages to grab a few with the octopus tentacles. "Look behind you." I say and whilst he turns around I pin him to the ground with icicles that I jab onto his trousers. Close enough so that he stays pinned down but not too close to his legs.

"Rule number one. Never let your opponent trick you with their words." I say to him. He melts the icicles and jumps back into the river to resume octopus formation.

He attacks with icicles exactly the same way I did. I melt all of them before they get too close. "Rule number two. Never use the opponents attack back at them." Aang nods.

I create a small bubble infront of me whilst behind Aang I rise a huge wave. I drop the bubble and Aang looks at me confused. "Rule number three. Get to know how your opponent works." I get ready to crash the wave into him, gently may I say, but he grabs onto my leg with and octopus arm.

I look up at him surprised. He drops the tentacle. "Well done. You make a fine octopus pupil Aang." I congratulate him. He turns himself into a huge octopus and moves around . I laugh at his antics. 

We stop bending when we hear music coming from the trees.
Don't fall in love with a travelling girl~
She'll leave you broken broken hearted~~~

"H-hey! River people!" The man says as the four people reach us.

"We're not river people." Katara says

"Well then what kind of people are you?" The man says. What's his name again? It's Chong isn't it.

"Just.. people." Aang says.

"Aren't we all brother!" Chong says.

"Who're you?" Sokka marches up to them.

"I'm Chong, and this is my wife Lilly. We're nomads, happy to go wherever the wind takes us." He strums on his guitar thing.

"You guys are nomads?" Aang asks. "That's great! I'm a nomad!"

"Oh me too!" Chong replies.

"I know. You just said that.." Aang says

"Oh. Nice underwear.." Chong stares at Sokka's pants. He uses Momo to cover himself then he sidewalks away.


"Hey, Sokka you should here someone these stories. These guys have been everywhere!" Aang says to sokka as he walks over to where we're sitting on Appa.

"Not everywhere little arrowhead. But where we haven't been we've heard about through stories and songs." Chong says.

Sokka raises and eyebrow. "They said they'll take us to see a giant night crawler!" Aang says enthusiastically.

Book two if There's a legend now? Avatar fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now