"Thanks. I'll talk to you later." Xavi said to Miles before closing his door. She went up to her door, fidgeting with her keys before getting ahold of the right one.She unlocked the door and went inside to see her living room light on. She frowned, taking out her 9mm pistol, ready to blow somebody shit.
She turned the corner to see her best friend Lucky who was now holding her chest due to Xavi scaring her. Xavi quickly put her gun up, trying not to scare Lucky since she wasn't into the type of stuff Xavi was around.
"Lucky how did you get in here? And what happened to your face?" Xavi asked noticing the cut above her lip and her bruised eye.
"Luke did it again." Lucky said with a low chuckle. Xavi grabbed Lucky's hand, taking her inside the bathroom. The light was already on and it was bloody tissue on the counters.
Xavi clenched her jaw, trying to keep her calm. She hated seeing her best friend like this and as many times She's told Lucky to leave Luke, she doesn't.
"I'm okay Xavi. He just got angry." Lucky said but Xavi shook her head. She didn't wanna hear it because she didn't think Lucky was okay.
"Lucky, you can't keep letting him do this too you. What if he kills you?!" Xavi asked as she patted the cut with peroxide.
"I told you I'm fine. He just got mad that I said that I was going out with you." Lucky said causing Xavi to chuckle annoyingly.
Luke and Xavi weren't very fond of each other, in fact, they envied each other. Luke started with Xavi, saying that Xavi was a bad influence on Lucky but she wasn't doing anything but being a best friend.
"I'm alright Xavi." Lucky reassured. Xavi stared at her, wanting to scream but she thought otherwise. Xavi knew that if she was too leave right now and go handle him, Lucky would never forgive her.
"Next time, I'm not letting it slide." Xavi said and Lucky nodded her head.
"Come on, please let's go!" Lucky begged Xavi as Xavi flicked through channels.
"What's so good about this party?" Xavi asked.
"Nothing but I want you to come. Please." Lucky said and Xavi looked at her. Lucky had been begging for the longest and Xavi was growing tired of it.
"Alright. I'll go." Xavi gave in causing Lucky to squeal and jump around.
"Girl stop. I got people up under me." Xavi said as she stood up to go and get in the shower so she could get ready.
Xavi really didn't go out unless her parents and siblings had meetings or jobs to do. Lucky would sometimes pull her out the house to go to a party and sometimes she wouldn't go and sometimes she would.
The only reason she was going was so she could get Luke off her mind because she was very tempted to skip the club and take a quick trip.
Xavi stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around her. She brushed her teeth and did her hygiene before applying makeup to her face.
"Which shoe should I wear?" Lucky asked holding two pairs of heels up.
Xavi shrugged, pointing to the red heels. She thought those were pretty. Lucky walked off to finish getting ready and Xavi turned around to continue her task.