Chapter 4 -- Best Friends

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No One's POV

The silence that was taking hold of the black SUV as it drove around Quantico was finally broken by the driver, "I know that you know know where Jay wants to meet you right?"

Spencer sighed and begrudgingly confirmed, "I do."

"Why didn't you say anything! I know you think you can handle this alone or that you want to protect us but, come on. You have to see that we will do anything in our power to protect you too. I can't lose you!" Morgan's words left both men in a stunned silence before he continued, "I-I mean, we can lose you, man. How would we even solve any cases without you?...I-We all care about you...more than you could ever understand, okay? And none of us are about to let you face Jay all by yourself.....understand?" 

Spencer did understand, or at least he hoped he did. His mind was still stuck on Derek's slip up...did he truly care so deeply for him? Perhaps his feelings, his true desires were not entirely unheard of after all....or was his mind reading too much into Derek's words again? It struck Spencer as awfully annoying when he so easily reads into the words and riddles of unsubs, but when it comes to Derek, his mind is as as useless to him as a fable without a moral. 

"Reid? Talk to me..."

"Sorry...I hear you...I just couldn't imagine losing any of you to Jay or anything that might happen with whatever his plan is for me...i-it would be...all my fault." Spencer internally cringed at his stuttering. 

"Bullshit. It would not be your fault. You are doing nothing wrong, accept for trying to go to Mallows Bay without us." 

"That's the thing, Derek, it would be my fault partially because I wa-....wait..I never told you about Mallows Bay...."

Morgan pulled the car over, back at the BAU parking lot, before facing him and answering, "I used to take Clooney on walks there all the time when my neighborhood had a bunch of construction going on. I recognized the name right away, but I wasn't sure I was right until you just confirmed my guess." 

Spencer grinned, "Clever, Derek Morgan." 

Morgan responded with another grin as both young men reentered the BAU and headed into the conference room where the rest of the team sat at the round table waiting for them. 

Before either of them could take their seats fully, JJ asked, "Where have you two been? We thought something had happened!"

"Everything's just fine...and we figured something out." Morgan began before glancing at Spencer.

Spencer took this as a sign to let the team know of the location, "'Mallows' in Jay's's really letting us know where he wants to meet Mallows Bay, right here in Quantico, Virginia."

"And we're not letting him face Jay by himself, right?" Morgan anxiously asked, terrified of the slight possibility that they would send his pretty boy to face a serial killer and his previous captor all alone. 

Rossi shook his head and confirmed, "That's out of the question." This put Morgan's mind a bit more at ease, knowing that the team held no intentions of letting Spencer go to Mallows Bay alone.

"Yeah, but the question is how do we proceed from here?" Emily questioned. 

After brief deliberation, Hotch determined, "Listen, I know we're all exhausted from today. How about we all head home for some rest and continue this in the morning. Maybe once our minds are refreshed, we will be able to come up with something." Everyone nodded, grateful to try and get some rest, including Spencer himself. As everyone began going their separate ways, Morgan approached Spencer at his yellow car before he could get inside.

"Listen man, I don't really like the idea of you being alone tonight...if Jay got his hands on you I wouldn't know what to do with is it alright if I stay over with you just for tonight?"

Spencer could feel the heat rushing to his cheeks, but nonetheless he replied, "Derek, everything will be just fine. Head home. You look so tired. Get some rest in your own bed, and we'll tackle this tomorrow." 

Morgan rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head, "Please...I-I can't lose you. Just let me take the won't even know I'm there, and tomorrow we'll head into work and figure this all out. Come on. I wouldn't be able to get much sleep if I was at home and you were all the way at you apartment where Jay or his new muscle could easily swoop in there and-" 

"Derek! I know it will all be fine, but if you're really that worried, you can sleep on the couch." Spencer silently wished his colleague would forget about the couch and sleep by his side as he and Morgan piled into Spencer's car and set off towards his apartment. 

Meanwhile, in the parking lot where the pair had just left, Rossi turned to Hotch and asked, "Did you see them leave together?" 

Hotch nodded, his eyes not leaving the spot where his youngest agent's car was parked not 5 minutes ago, "I did...Morgan's been obviously worried..probably wants to keep an eye on him tonight."

Rossi grinned to himself, "You know, for as strongly as Reid seems to feel, I'm surprised they both haven't come to terms with their feelings just yet." 

Hotch turned to his fellow senior agent and replied, "I can tell that they both are aware of their feelings...they're probably just too scared to tell each other."   

"But they've been best friends for as long as I can remember."


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