Chapter 10 -- Let's Play

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^Picture Credit^ -- (YES, I know those aren't Spencer's hands, but just humor me)


No One's POV

"He was holding me back anyways...trying to convince me to drop all of this and flee the country....I mean where's the fun in that?" Jay said. 

"Okay Jay, let's calm down, no one else needs to get hurt here today." Rossi butted in. 

"Well, that all depends on you guys...oh and on the good doctor here too," Jay replied, "Now, let's get down to about we play a game! I've always loved did Kyle...." 

"What kind" Spencer offered, the fear slowly beginning to kick in, as well as a sense of deja vu. 

"I don't remember giving you permission to talk, doctor...what should I do about that?" Jay menacingly questioned, caulking his gun and causing everyone to visibly flinch. 

Morgan clenched his fists together and responded, "You won't be doing a god dam thing to him, Jay!" 

"Watch me, Agent Morgan!" Jay yelled back before turning to the frightened Spencer Reid who leaned as far away from Jay as his bonds would allow. It was all in vain, however, as the butt of Jay's weapon collided with Spencer's torso, faster than anyone was ready for. As the BAU's screams of protest filled the empty office building floor, Jay continued to take his anger out in the form of punches, kicks, and other violent strikes. Eventually, Jay ceased, seemingly out of exhaustion, and let Spencer's head hang low, blood dripping into a small pile on the concrete floor. 

"Spencer? Talk to me, please!" Morgan pleaded with the screen. 

Jay laughed and wiped some blood splatters off of his face, "I don't think Doctor Reid is available right now, agent. Maybe check in later?" 

"What about the game, Jay?" Hotch asked, desperately trying to guide Jay's attention away from his youngest agent, who was spitting blood onto the floor as they spoke.

Jay appeared to seriously consider the SSA agent's words before he replied, "'re right! How could I forget!"

Morgan turned to Rossi and whispered, "What are you doing, man? We don't want Jay to hurt him anymore, right?" 

Rossi quietly answered, "But we really don't want him to end the call just yet...the more communication, the better." Morgan nodded, understanding, before the situation continued to play out. 

"Just explain the game so we can get started, then." Morgan demanded.

Jay grinned and responded, "Enthusiasm, I like it, Agent Morgan..alrightie! I'll explain the rules and we shall get started! But I must let you lovely agents know...I am fully aware that you know of our location...the abandoned office building off of 3rd Avenue...if I so much as hear a police siren at all...your genius here that understood?" Every simply nodded, shocked and nervous. "Good! So, I wanted to play a game like the one we all got to play together with my it will work is this: I am going to ask one of you, including you handsome," Jay began gesturing to Spencer who was slowly lifting his head up, "a question..any sort of question, whatever I feel like...if someone answers it correctly, then I won't hurt him...if not, well..I get to have some much deserved fun." Spencer flinched as Jay began dropping items from the plastic shopping bag he saw on the floor: a couple knifes, another gun and spare ammo, and other assorted sharp objects like a few forks. 

"Don't judge my supplies, alright. I didn't have much to work with, being an escaped convict and all." Jay said. Spencer took this opportunity to catch Morgan's eyes; they looked a fierce mixture of blind hot rage and nervousness. Spencer offered a tiny smile to try and comfort the love of his life, and Morgan returned the gesture while internally feeling the tension bubble up inside of him. 

"Alright, simple enough....let's play." Rossi announced. 

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