Chapter 9 -- Good Old Times

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Reid's POV

The abandoned office building smelt of drying paint and fresh wood likely from newly installed desks; perhaps the office is undergoing some form of construction or renovation. Mark and Jay lead me up stairs for what seemed like an eternity, my bear feet beginning to feel sore as the minutes passed. Finally, we reached an entirely empty floor, aside from a pile of blankets in the corner along with a grocery bag full of who knows what and a working computer and desk situated in the center of the room; finally, I also noticed some folding chairs scattered here and there. The only light source in the room was the natural sunlight streaming in through the wall of glass windows in front of us. As soon as we got inside, Mark removed my handcuffs before forcing me into one of the folding chairs, being sure to bind my feet and hands once again; meanwhile, Jay booted up the computer, and my heart sank at what application was currently open: Skype. Not this again. 

I couldn't remain silent any longer, and we were all far enough away that I felt Derek would be safe, " have you been, Jay? Any big plans?" 

I was immediately met with a fast and harsh slap, "Shut the fuck up! You took Kyle from me and locked me up for the rest of my life! My biggest plan is to end your miserable life!" 

I swallowed hard as Mark spoke up, "I have to thank you again, Jay. I wouldn't be out of that hell hole without you. I guess we have one thing in common...the BAU." 

Jay then clicked a few things on the computer before turning back to me, "We're going to hang out like old times...I'm prepared to call your team via Skype! Won't that be just wonderful!"

"And you will not speak unless spoken too," Mark continued, "Oh I am so excited for this part." Jay, after glancing strangely at his partner, turned back to the computer and clicked. After a moment or two of ringing, I almost lost hope that they would even answer, but eventually they finally answered. Here we go.  

No One's POV 

Spencer was automatically met with the fearful eyes of his team, Morgan in particular. On the other end of the connection, Morgan anxiously rubbed his hands together in his lap upon seeing Spencer...he didn't appear to be too physically hurt, aside from his bare feet which looked rather red and probably very sore. 

"Spencer...." Morgan began, unable to finish without his voice breaking; he had to stay strong...for Spencer's sake. 

"Oh my goodness!," Jay began, "Is that him? Man...he looks a lot more sexy with those lovely eyes open." Spencer struggled against his bonds at Jay's mention of the man he loved most dear; in response, Mark grabbed both of Spencer's shoulders, securing him into his seat. 

Rossi cut in, "Jay...what are you thinking? Escaping from prison? Kidnapping a federal agent again? Haven't we been down this road before?"

Jay giggled and responded, "Oh please, old man, I won't end how it did last time." 

"Let's not do something we end up regretting, huh Jay?" JJ offered. 

Emily added, "What about you, Mark? Are you really willing to throw your life away just for some kid? You know better than this." 

"Oh....Mark has nothing to worry about...." Jay eerily replied. All at once, Jay fired a gunshot in Spencer's direction. Bracing for impact, he shrunk into his chair, waiting to feel the pain, the same pain he felt in his dream...but it never came. Spencer opened his eyes he didn't realize were scrunched shut only find himself totally fine, aside from a slight ringing in his ears. Upon looking over his shoulder, Spencer realized what had happened. Mark was dead. 

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