Chapter 12 -- The Confrontation

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Morgan's POV

The bastard went completely ballistic pounding the hell out of absolutely killed me. At one point, the chair he was tied to gave way and fell onto the floor shortly before it seemed that he had passed out. But Jay kept going. 

I couldn't stand it any longer, "Hotch, keep him talking." With that, I left the conference room and made for the exit of the building, Emily hot on my heals. 

"Where do you think you're going?" 

"Emily...I can't just let this happen...I-I love him, okay? I can't just sit back and let....l-let him..." 

Emily pulled me into a much needed hug before responding, "Then...let's go get this asshole." 

I turned to her in shock, "You want to help me?" 

"Hotch sent me out here to stop you from doing anything drastic...but I mean, you were long gone before I could stop you...and as your partner, I couldn't let you face this alone, so I decided to follow you." 

I grinned, "Alright, partner...let's go." 

No One's POV 

Both agents were silent at the start of their journey towards the office building where their youngest teammate was being held. 

Tired of the silence, Emily broke the tension, " and Reid, huh?"

" just sort of happened, I guess..."

"Well, it's about dam time, Romeo."


Emily rolled her eyes at her partner, "It was obvious. From just the way you guys look at each other's clear that you both love each other deeply...and we all couldn't be happier for you........I guess this will make future cases a bit more interesting, right?" 

Morgan cracked a small smile, "I guess, yeah..." Emily took the anxious tone of her partner's voice as her signal to end the conversation, and with perfect timing; Morgan finally pulled the SUV next to the abandoned Toyota from the security footage, right outside the office building. 

As both agents got out of the car, fastening their bulletproof vests and preparing their weapons for possible gunfire, Emily asked, "So, what's the plan here?"

"Well," Morgan began, "I guess we should take it by floor. It looks like the office is under renovation of some kind, so it will be easy to scan each floor on foot; there probably won't be much of anything inside." 

"Alright, let's go." Emily responded. With that, Emily and Morgan headed into the office building, scanning each floor in search of their beloved doctor. 

No One's POV 

Jay had finally ceased kicking and punching at the poor agent, who had fallen unconscious a while ago, "Well," He began, clearly out of breath, "Looks like your doctor has passed out...poor thing..." 

Hotch's cool exterior faltered momentarily, "Reid? Reid! Can you hear me? Spencer!" 

"You've got to stay with us, kid!" Rossi added. 

"Oh quit your bellyaching! He's fine...looks like he's just going to be out for a while," Jay replied, "Or...I could just end his misery here and now....give Agent Morgan a bit of my pain...." 

JJ who, along with Penelope, now had tears streaming down their faces, cried out, "Please no! Don't kill him, please! I'm begging you!" 

Penelope quickly added, "! He can't die!" Penelope could not fathom losing her precious boy wonder, not now...especially now that he had found what he and Morgan had desired for so long. 

Jay let out a disturbing laugh and responded, "Ladies, ladies, ladies...this boy here, this weakling...he actually can die...very easily...all it would take would be say...a bullet right into the head, hm? How about a knife across the throat, maybe a few good jabs to the abdomen for good measure?.....oh! What if I honor my fallen partner by leaving you with his torso...that would be fun, wouldn't it?" 

"Not a good idea, Jay!" Morgan interrupted, emerging from the stairwell with Emily not far behind; both had their weapons raised. Hotch's initial disapproval and shock quickly transformed to worry. Meanwhile, Penelope's heart skipped a beat at seeing her chocolate thunder in harms way, JJ could barely breath at the thought of losing her best friend, and Rossi was terrified for everyone while also becoming increasingly more angry at Jay. 

Jay quickly leaned down, grabbing a knife in one hand and a handful of Spencer's hair with the other, before placing the cold mental knife against the unconscious man's neck, "Don't come any closer, hot shot...or this poor doctor is dead." The other agents watched the scene unfold anxiously from Penelope's office, the mood largely contrasting with the colorful and playful decorations and toys covering the desktop. 

"Come on, think Jay. What good can come out of killing him?" Emily asked, trying her best to calm down the situation. 

Jay laughed and answered frankly, "Agent Morgan here will finally understand my pain...and it's almost like killing two birds with one stone, guys lose a friend too! I honestly don't see a reason not to kill him now." 

Morgan moved a step closer, as did Emily, as Morgan fired back, "How about saving your own ass? Trust me Jay, if I see that hand so much as twitch, I'll put a bullet into your brain so fast, you'll be gone before you can even think of taking him with you." 

"Strong words, Agent really do love him, huh" Jay began, his frantic and chaotic façade diminishing and being replaced with tears in his eyes, a defeated expression being plastered on his face, "I guess it's true what they say...." With that, Jay let go of Spencer's hair and slowly stood up, "Virginia is for lovers."

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