Chapter 8 -- The Search

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No One's POV 

"Emily is at his apartment now with crime scene techs..she'll let us know as soon as there's anything new." Hotch finished explaining. 

"Oh God...." JJ whimpered. 

"Okay, let's get working now...I'm ready to nab this son of a bitch." Rossi said loudly. 

Rossi then said quieter, seemingly only to Hotch, "You said Morgan and Reid know?" 

Hotch replied, "We didn't get into details, but Morgan did tell Emily and I that there was a kiss...and they did sleep in Reid's bed together." Rossi smiled, happy to hear this positive news, before focusing in with his coworkers, with his friends, trying to find their youngest agent. 

No One's POV 

Penelope was having a difficult time balancing her feelings of absolute dread that her favorite boy wonder was in harms way and her feelings of joy that her two friends had finally found each other. At the moment, her dread was winning the battle, tears beginning to dry on her usual bubbly and happy face and new ones threatening to spill from her eyes behind her glasses. 

"It'll all be okay, baby one will be taking him from me any time soon..we'll bring him home in no time," Morgan assured her from his seat next to her in front of all her monitors, "Let's work on figuring out how Jay and his new pal got all the way to Reid's place from the prison." 

"Yeah, okay...that's a wonderful idea, chocolate thunder...umm...well, the fastest way to boy wonder's apartment is down this street here," Penelope began gesturing to a map of Virginia pulled up on her screen, "It's..mostly a backroad...there's not really anything along the road actually...they would've had to cross through this patch of spooky woods to get to a gas station about 40 minutes on foot from where Reid lives." 

"How on earth were they able to get a car....can we check over the security cameras around Spencer's apartment complex again."

"Say no we go...." Garcia said before playing the video. "Remember, it resets at around 3 am, this footage goes up until then before skipping to just after 3." 

The two then began watching the footage, and nothing much happened within the first hour or so of footage they watched sped up. But then, Morgan notices something. 

"Baby girl, can you play those last couple minutes over again?"

"For" Both of the agents watched as a dark colored Toyota pulled towards the apartment complex at around 1 in the morning. 

"It's just a black car? Maybe they're heading home after partying all night long?"

"But, Penelope! Look! The same car leaves again two hours later, right before the camera resets!" Morgan excitedly realized. 

"You're right! There it goes again....and it's going really fast for an abandoned street at night.." 

"I'll let Hotch know..see if you can grab a license plate number and put out an APB as soon as you can." Morgan instructed before heading over to the conference room. 

Before Morgan could even take his seat fully, Rossi asks, "What've you got?" 

Morgan replied, "Me and Garcia noticed that a black Toyota was driving around the apartment complex really early in the morning...when it left around 3 this morning, it was driving really fucking fast...think it might be connected?"

After contemplating for a mere moment, Rossi replied, "We have nothing else on their vehicle so far so let's work with that..but we did figure out who's missing from the prison after the riot...and it's someone we put away."

"Mark Tolson," JJ announced, "He was that man who tried to kill his ex-husband, remember? He was the one who left..torsos on display..." 

"Okay, we need to figure out where Jay and Mark are taking him...we need to get him out of this alive..." Morgan responded. 

"Agreed." JJ added. 

"Okay...well we know that the Fibonacci sequence element to Jay's M.O. hasn't changed...we should probably keep that in mind as we proceed." Hotch advised. 

All of a sudden, Garcia comes bounding into the conference room, Emily accompanying her, "Okay, so I've got some bad news and some better news that's still kind of bad, but anyways, the car we saw on the security cameras didn't have a license plate, it looked like it had been ripped off...but, there have been reports this morning of the exact same car found abandoned right outside of an empty office building that's under construction..." 

"Maybe that's where they're holding him!" Morgan exclaimed. Before anyone would move another muscle, a beeping sound was heard from Garcia's Bluetooth headset which she still had atop her head, the top partially hidden by her blond locks. 

"What is it?" Rossi asked.

Garcia's bottom lip slightly quivered as she answered, "I-I'm...getting a v-video call request...." Without another word, the entire team headed back into Garcia's office, all crowded around the monitors. After everyone had settled in, Garcia took a shaking breath before accepting the call. 

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