Chapter 13 -- Reunited

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No One's POV

Neither Morgan nor Emily had been aware of the gun in Jay's sock...the gun that he used to end his own life. Before either agent could react, Jay's body fell right next to Mark; thus both criminals had met their end. 

Morgan wasted no time in darting over to his fallen love, freeing him from his bonds and situating him so that his head rested on his lap. After Emily had ensured both unsubs were actually deceased and called for medical assistance, she planted herself on the floor beside her partner and unconscious young friend. 

It was worse than it seemed on the camera. Dry blood caked the left side of Spencer's face with bruises littering the skin left uncovered by his nightwear alone; Morgan couldn't imagine the damage that they couldn't see. His bare feet were dry and cracked, and his right arm was bent at an awful angle, clearly broken. Morgan finally let his tears freely fall down his face.

"It's going to be okay..."Emily offered, "He's alive...that's a good thing."

"I guess you're right...I didn't lose him....I just hope he'll be able to move past all this..again..." 

Emily grinned, placing a supportive hand on her partner's shoulder, "He will...especially now that he has you by his side..." 

The moment was interrupted by medical personnel entering the floor and snatching the broken man from his friends. What ensued was a blur for them all, Derek Morgan in particular. 

After the medics concluded asking the pair questions like 'How long has he been out for?', 'What kinds of weapons were used on him?', and 'Did you see about how much blood he lost?', Morgan and Emily climbed into the ambulance with Spencer, who was still passed out cold; the rest of the team had already decided to meet them at the hospital. It was finally over. 

Reid's POV

My consciousness was ever changing throughout the ensuing minutes. I felt my head being brought back, likely to give way for a knife to be pressed against my neck. The next thing I recall, there is a gunshot; I thought for sure it would be the one that would end my life. But to my surprise, my bonds were removed and I found myself being held in a familiar set of strong arms. I could barely make out any of his handsome features, but judging by the shakiness of his hands, I could assume he was crying. Don't cry for me, Derek. I'll be alright. 

With that, medical workers transported me into an ambulance where the last thing I could remember, my hand was being held onto for dear life, like a lifeline tethering me to reality, one that I cannot even consider leaving. I can't leave him behind.

Morgan's POV

It had been a couple days already. He had been in and out of consciousness each day, but here I remained, in a rather uncomfortable chair by his bedside; even the most hard and rough chair could never keep me from remaining where I belong: right by his side. 

It was the third day, around two in the afternoon, when those eyelids finally found the strength to open, revealing those light brown eyes I could get lost in, "Hey...welcome back." 

He smiled, "That's all I get..'welcome back'?" 

I laughed, "Welcome back, pretty boy?" 

"Shut up..." That was my moment and I took it, placing a delicate yet deep kiss upon his lips, those lips that I missed so much. 

"That's more like, I mean.....thanks." 

I grinned as I took my seat once again and grasped onto his hand, "Anytime."

"No, really....thank you for saved my life." 

"Hey, you would've done the same for you couldn't have died...not when we're just getting started." This put a smile on his tired face, such a wonderful smile. 

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