Chapter 7 -- And So It Begins

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Reid's POV

"Why won't you answer? Cat got your tongue?" Jay asked, still pressing the cold metal of the gun against my forehead. 

Instinctively, I raised my hands to my shoulders in surrender, but before I could speak, Jay whisper yelled, "If you make a sound above a whisper, if you make any attempts to signal your boyfriend in there, I'll have my new friend slit his throat before he has a chance to wake up." I felt the color drain from my face as I complied. It was then I saw the other man standing behind Jay in the darkness of the kitchen. The way he was described from the interviews, as a scary man to watch out for, immediately confused me; I was expecting some sort of giant, muscular man, but who was standing in front of me now was not very much like that description whatsoever. Who was standing in front of me was Mark Tolson. I remember him being rather controlling in his relationships to conceal his homicidal urges; it struck me as odd that he would help Jay when Jay himself would maintain all of the control. 

Mark crossed his arms, displaying his knife, as he greeted quietly, "It's been a while. Can't wait to catch up." 

"Here's what's about to happen," Jay began, "I'm going to put this gun away, and the three of us are going to walk right out of this apartment building, get into our vehicle, and drive away. You will not make any sounds or signal for anyone to help you in any way or else, I'll have Mark here hang back and make sure your partner never wakes up....just like you and your team did to my Kyle......let's move, now." Knowing I had no way of stopping this, and keeping in mind that Derek was fast asleep in the other room, I complied once again. 

The cold air of the night outside chilled me to my core as soon as we left the apartment building and made our way to a car, a black 2008 Toyota Camry missing all of the hubcaps, Virginia plates; before I was able to get any of the other information on the license plate, Mark suddenly turned me around, binding my hands behind my back with a pair of handcuffs. I found myself suddenly hoping that these were not mine or Derek's. Before I knew it, I was thrown in the backseat, which was all torn and in horrible shape much like the rest of the interior, and we drove off, Jay in the driver's seat with Mark next to him up front. I immediately began to focus on memorizing where I was being taken; I was shocked, but not ungrateful, that neither of my captors decided to blindfold me or impede my vision in any way. I let this intake of information distract me as we continued to drive, well into the morning. 

Derek's POV

The sun began peeking through the curtains in Spencer's bedroom; this light paired with my phone alarm that had begun to sound pulled me out of my slumber. I reached my arm over, hoping to feel Spencer's body sleeping soundly next to me but was instead met the ice cold emptiness of the sheets. In fact, the entire apartment was freezing cold. I stopped my alarm before pulling my shirt back on and heading into the living room and kitchen area, expecting to find Spencer halfway through his second cup of sugar coffee, nose in a book. Once again, I was met with emptiness as Spencer was not there. That moment, fear began to kick in. At once, I began to search through the entire apartment, only to find that Spencer was no longer there. 

Don't panic. He may have just headed into work early. But he isn't supposed to be alone! What am I going to do with you, pretty boy? I thought as I quickly dialed Hotch's number.

"Morgan? Hey, is everything okay? Are you guys headed in? I want to get started right away." Hotch said as soon as he answered my call. 

"What? Boy genius isn't there already?" 

"No...why Morgan? What happened? Is Reid not with you?"

Panic then grabbed a hold of my senses. I could feel my hands threaten to begin shaking, "I-I woke up and he wasn't in bed...I thought h-he might've been somewhere in the apartment, but he's just gone, Hotch. He's gone! How did this happend?" 

"Calm down, Morgan. We'll figure this out. Emily and I are on our way now." The call ended and I numbly put my phone in my jeans pocket before slowly sitting on the couch. He can't be gone...not when I really just got him.

No One's POV -- Reid's Apartment

The three agents, after Morgan had caught them all up about Spencer's sudden disappearance, stood in the living room, trying to figure out what had happened. 

"When was the last time you saw him?" Hotch asked.

Morgan's ears grew red in embarrassment before he answered, "Last night...we both fell asleep together in his room." 

Emily smiled before lightly punching her partner in the shoulder, "It's about time! I'm happy for you." Morgan was shocked at her response but happy nonetheless. 

Hotch allowed a hint of a smile to form on his emotionless face before returning the conversation to serious once again, "Okay, so something had to have happened either during the night or early this morning when you were still sleeping." 

"But...wouldn't I have heard something?" Morgan asked, the worry evident in his panicked tone of voice. 

"I'm not sure...let's just walk through this. So, nothing was off last night? Everything seemed normal?" Hotch asked.

Morgan grinned and replied, "Last night was perfect.....but yeah, nothing out of the ordinary." 

"So, what was the first thing you noticed when you woke up this morning?" Emily questioned. 

Morgan answered immediately, "Spencer wasn't in bed in the morning. I went out and checked the entire apartment and he wasn't there either...I thought he might've went into the office which was when I called you, Hotch.....where is he? When I find that son of a bitch who took him from me...I'll rip him to shreds!"

Emily offered Morgan a side hug and assured him, "We'll find him, don't worry." 

"So he wasn't in the apartment this morning...did anything seem out of place or strange when you were checking the place out?" Hotch asked.

Morgan thought for a moment before recalling, "It was really cold in here, which was strange to me because I watched him close the windows and turn the heat up...he said he did that every night before he went to sleep." 

Emily shook her head confused, "When I came in here, I noticed the window in the kitchen was open...did he miss one?" 

"No....he wouldn't....that's how Jay must've gotten in." Morgan realized, anger seeping into his mind. 

"Okay, assuming Jay has acquired a new set of muscles, I think it's safe to assume that the partner climbed the first floor and got into the window somehow and let Jay in through the front door...maybe Reid got up in the middle of the night and found them waiting for him?" Emily thought out loud.

"But how could I have slept through all that?" Morgan asked. 

"This is not your fault, Derek...Jay probably threatened you harm to keep Reid quiet...they could've just quietly walked out of here." Hotch said. 

Emily nodded and added, "That means they have to have a vehicle of some sort..the prison is pretty far from here, definitely too far to travel on foot." 

"Okay, Morgan and I will head back to the BAU. Emily, stay here and supervise the crime scene techs when they arrive; see if you can find anything that can help us." Hotch instructed before heading out to the SUV with Morgan in tow. 

After situating themselves into the cold leather seats, Hotch further instructed, "I'll give the team the...bad news..and we'll continue to work on building a profile for this new partner. You should work with Garcia and see if you can figure something out about their transportation." Morgan nodded before remaining completely silent for the entirety of the ride. 

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