Chapter 5 -- An Overdue Confession

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Reid's POV

"Sorry, the place is a little messy." I apologized as I let myself and Derek into my small apartment. There were books littering the floor, almost hiding the wooden floor towards the back of the living room completely. I scattered to tidy up the couch cushions a little bit, seeing as that's where Derek unfortunately opted to sleep. 

"Hey, it's all good, man." He replied, not caring in the slightest about the state of my apartment, plopping down onto the couch as I began to shift through some of the books on the floor, not particularly to clean but rather to distract myself from the impending awkward situation that I felt was about to ensue. 

"Soooo," Derek began, initiating that awkwardness I was dreading, "How did all those books end up on the floor anyways?" 

"W-well, sometimes I just start reading something, and before I know it, I've pulled more and more books from my shelves and they end up being left on the floor...I always kind of lose touch of reality a little bit every time I go on a reading spree."

"Cool, cool...." The awkwardness was killing me at this point, and I realized that it couldn't possibly get worse than this...well at least I hoped so. With this in mind, I decided to revisit my feelings and get my situation with my best friend sorted once and for all; I only hope that this doesn't destroy our current relationship. I know I could never live without Derek in my life.

"Listen, Derek...I wanted to talk to you about something, something important..."

"Oh no man, I know, I know, knowledge is important and all that, I get it. I wasn't making fun of your books being on the floor at all; I completely understand how much you care about reading. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was-" 

"No, no, it's not's a bit more serious than fact, I think..I might be about to potentially w-wreck our friendship."

Derek laughed and flashed me that stupid smile, that indescribably handsome smile that frankly makes me weak in the knees, "Kid, nothing, and I mean nothing can possibly end our mean way too much to me."

I could feel the heat emanating from my face and could only imagine how red I must be turning, "Well......I was thinking a lot about what you you mentioned that you c-couldn't bare to lose me..back in the SUV..."

Derek nodded and replied, "I remember...I didn't mean to say that out loud....."

"The thing is, Derek......I've been keeping a secret from you, from everyone....except for my's really hard for me to tell you this because you mean so much to me much......."

"I feel the same way, Reid..what are you trying to say?"

"No, no, I know that you care about me, hell I care about all of you guys, but..........I care about you d-differently.....than anyone I've every cared about in m-my life..." As I paused to collect myself, as my voice was becoming nervous and my words jumbled together, I noticed Derek's eyes grow soft and a small smile beginning to form on his gorgeous face, "I-I.......I don't know how to put into actual w-words how much you mean to me...........I think...I think I might l-love you, Derek Morgan........" 


My heart dropped. I knew he didn't feel the same way; panic began to rise in my heart and my mind as I realized I might be about to lose my closest friend, "Listen, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to confess all of this during such a crazy time with the whole Jay thing, and I know you don't feel the same way so I don't want you to feel obligated to address this I understand that it's probably a bit weird and strange and you probably need time to process this so I won't be offended if you decide to you know call it a night and head back to you own apar-" 

All of a sudden I wasn't talking anymore. At first I was confused. I thought for sure Derek would turn up his nose at my outrageous feelings towards him; I mean, we've been colleagues and best friends for years and now, out of the blue, I confess my attraction towards him? If I was him, I'd probably run for the hills...never in my wildest dreams would I ever had imagined that Derek's initial reaction would be to cut off my wild rambling by crashing his lips against my own. 

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