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a few weeks have passed, and today was your last day in Broken Hill. you made sure that you, Charlton, and Austin spent the whole day playing together. for a moment, the sadness from the fact that you were moving tomorrow was nonexistent. you were cherishing the day, just having fun with your best friend and his brother (alright that sounds weird but just.. keep reading.. lmao)

just recently, you guys were finished playing tag and was taking a little break.

suddenly, Charlton said, "y/n, when are you leaving?"

for a moment, it was all quiet. both Charlton and Austin were waiting silently for your answer.

you answered as quietly as possible. "tomorrow,"

their faces changed, it was like they were both going to cry from your simple, one-word answer.

Charlton asked another question, "is that also the reason why you spent the whole day with us..?"

you nodded slowly.

shortly after, you saw tears come out of Austin's eyes. he then started sobbing loudly.

"shush," said Charlton to Austin, "you're such a crybaby. stop crying, it won't change anything. she's still moving tomorrow."

Charlton's words only made Austin cry even harder.

"i'm sorry guys.. i don't wanna move either" you said, with a frown, nearly crying aswell.

(yall this happend to me once so i can feel the pain :( lmao)

then Charlton suggested, "yknow what? why don't we just buy some ice cream near the park? maybe that'll make you feel better and make Auz shut up. plus my Mum can also come with us so we can play at the park."

between sobs, Austin replied "ag-agreed, i wanna see Mummy."

you also agreed with, "yeah, sounds great."

i wish Mum never told them, then they'd never be sad.

Charlton went to ask his Mum, and the four of you headed  to the ice-cream parlour and played at the park afterwards.

it started getting late, so the four of you decided to go back home.

after reaching your house, you said goodbye to Charlton, Austin, and their Mum, and went inside your now empty house, which reminded you that you're leaving tomorrow. you sighed, but proceeded to greet your parents, who were talking in the kitchen.

"hey Mum, Dad!"

your parents greeted you with warm smiles. "hey sweetie, how was today? Mrs. Howard told us you guys went to buy ice cream with her."

you answered, "today was fun. and yeah, we did buy ice cream with her. we also played at the park nearby."

"alright. go take a shower and change, and we'll have dinner."

the thought of dinner made you happy again. "okay!!"

- after finishing dinner -

"alright y/n, you should go to bed. don't wanna be late for tomorrow morning," your Mum said, winking her right eye.

you sighed again. "okay.."

"you good hun? want me to tuck you in?"

"no Ma, i'm good, it's just.."

you felt your eyes sting, then a tear fell out of your left eye.


"i can't believe we're leaving.."

your mom let out a small sigh, then gave a comforting smile.

"wanna know a secret? i'm sad too. we have so many memories here, and i don't wanna leave my friends aswell, so i know what you're feeling. Dad knows, too. it's hard for all of us."

sniffling, you replied, "if you also wanna stay, why don't you let us stay?"

"we can't, honey. Dad's job is more important."

you frowned.

"you wanna know something else? i'm sure that you'll get plenty other friends in New York."

"you think?"

"i'm sure of it. and don't you worry about Charlton and Austin, i promise that you'll be able to see them next year on Christmas."

that lifted your spirits. "promise?"

your Mum held out her pinky. "i pinky promise."

you intertwined your pinky with hers.

"feeling better now?"

smiling, you said "yea, way better."

your Mom chuckled. "alright, now go to bed. see you tomorrow, sweetie."

with that, she gave you a kiss on the cheek, and you went straight to your half empty room.

you hugged sir cuddles and eventually fell asleep.


AYO HOW ARE YALLLLL DOINNN? to whoever commented on my post to remind me to update, i seriously owe you one. thanks lmaooo. also just a heads up starting from the next chapter there will be slight swearing :D

k i'll see yall in a bit, byeee

- anya

(word count : 739)

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