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it was a lovely 2010 summer afternoon.

"y/n! come down! lets play!"

oh, that must be Charlton!

you sprint downstairs as you keep hearing your voice being called by your best friend, Charlton Howard. you've been best friends since, well, forever! wherever he goes you go, and vice versa. basically, you two were inseperable. you both went to Sacred Heart Parish Elementary School. you've lived in Broken Hill for a long time and both your parents are bestfriends as well!

"hi Charlie!" (charlie is short for charlton😭 if i ever meet laroi im finna call him this LMAOO)

"hey y/n! wanna play?"

"play what?"

"dunno. wanna ride our bikes around the neighbourhood again?"


you guys rode around your neighbourhood, laughing together.

"aw, they're inseperable. how cute!" you hear your neighbours say as you rode on your bike.

not long after, it was getting late and you were scared your Mom would get worried.

"hey Charlton im gonna go home. see you tomorrow!"

"okay, i'll see you tomorrow. bye y/n!"

then you went your separate ways home.

"hey y/n! finally, you're home. go shower, then we'll have dinner, okay?"
said your Mom.

"okay Mum! whats for dinner?"

"pasta. dessert is a secret. go shower and i'll tell you."

"aww Ma.. okay.."

then you shower and pick out a pair of pants and a t-shirt for dinner, then you go downstairs to watch TV while you wait for your parents to set up the dinner table.

"y/n, dinner is ready!"


you go to your dinner table and sit in the middle of your parents. you say your prayers and eat. (im so sorry if yall arent that religious!! yall can change it to whatever yall want. my apologies!)

after you finished your pasta, your parents whispered to each other.

"do we HAVE to tell her?" your Dad said.

"yes, we do. or else she's gonna be even more heartbroken," your Mom replied.

"y/n, we have something to tell you.." your Mom said.

"huh? what Mum? am i not going to get dessert tonight?"

"no sweetie, its uh.." your Dad says with a worried expression.

"we're moving, honey. Dad got promoted to work in New York for a bigger company. we'll be moving next month.."

"huh!? do i have to leave Australia forever? what about- what about my school? what about Charlton? is he coming too?" you said, in the verge of tears.

"no sweetie. we're so sorry. i know how much you love being friends with him-"

"IM NOT MOVING NEXT MONTH! I WANT TO STAY! please Mummy tell Daddy we're not moving.. PLEASE!"

shaking her head, your Mom replied, "im so sorry y/n, but we are. there's nothing me and Daddy could do about it.. we've been packing half our stuff in the attic and we're planning to sell them or give them away to charity. we're so sorry we didnt tell you earlier sweetie-"


"honey wait-"

you ran up to your room and closed it. you clutched onto your teddy bear that Charlton gave you for your birthday a few months ago, which you named sir cuddles (or whatever you want to name it. my teddy bear is named sir cuddles haha)

not long after, tears started to stain your chubby, rose pink cheeks.

while sobbing, you said to yourself "oh s-sir cuddles.. w-why do i ha-have to m-move.. i d-dont want t-to leave.."

not long after, you fell asleep with tears staining your pillowcase.


hello! how was it? hella long story. keep in mind ive never been to Aussie:( heard its a lovely place. anyways i hope u enjoy this first chapter. i'll be constantly updating bc im bored at home- and going slightly insane. luv yall stay safe xx

- anya

word count : 647

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