When Lions Fly, Malfoy

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Harry Potter has a new status : I really need a good laugh right now.

Ron Weasley : Yo mama so fat, her patronus is a cake!

Harry Potter : Ron, I don't have a mom... That just made things so much worse!

Hermione Granger : Way to go, Ron! Now you've made him upset again!

Ron Weasley : Well sorry!

Draco Malfoy : Oh, poor Harry! Do you need a hug, Harry?

Hermione Granger : Malfoy, when lions fly.

Luna Lovegood : Why lions? Why not the Krumple Horned SnorMack or the Narks?

Hermione Granger : THOSE DON'T EVEN EXIST!

Draco Malfoy : I know a lion that can fly...

Hermione Granger : Not again... *facepalm*

Draco Malfoy : His name is Rumbleroar. He's the headmaster at Pigfarts. If you're good, he'll let you take a ride on his back. But he just got a wing implant so he can fly. Does that mean I get a hug, Harry?

Harry Potter : When Muggles learn magic.

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