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Darkness POV

Another day of doing nothing but being hated by humans. As for why they hate me it is mostly because of who I am that they view me as a pure evil being. Who I am is the god of darkness; for my job I make grimm and treat them as if they were my own kids. However grimm tend to hurt people and end up killing them. Because of this humans view me as a monster and not for who I truly am. At my core I am a regular being who wants nothing more than to be praised like my brother. The only things that like me are my grimm but they can't even speak. I sigh and pray that just once I can meet someone who can provide me company.

???: "Excuse me?"

I look up and see a rather beautiful woman.

Darkness: "Yes can I help you?"

Woman: "I was wondering if you are the god of darkness?"

I continue to admire her beauty and for some reason I do something I never thought would happen.

Darkness: "Y-yes I am t-the god of d-darkness."

Woman: "Terrific, I need some help."

Darkness: "What is it you need help with?"

Woman: *rubs arm nervously* "I kind of got kicked out of my home and need a place to stay."

Darkness: "If you don't mind my asking, why did you come to me?"

Woman: "Well, I heard from my friends that you tend to be by yourself a lot and I just thought you would like some company."

Darkness: "That is very kind of you; I will allow you to stay here miss?"

Isis: "Isis goddess of life."


It has been almost two years since Isis has started living with me and I have to say I enjoy her company. We have gotten along really well and we even taught each other some magic. We have gotten a little closer and I am planning on asking her out.

Darkness: "Hey Isis?"

Isis: "Yes Darkness?"

Darkness: "I was wondering if you were free."

Isis: "Yeah, why?"

Darkness: "Because I wanted to know if you wanted to go out or something?"

Isis: "That sounds lovely."


Me and Isis got married and now we are expecting our first child. He is set to be born any moment now and I am beyond excited. I sit on my throne when a blonde woman holding a staff walks up to me.

Darkness: "Can I help you?"

Blonde: "I want you to resurrect the man I love."

Darkness: "Very well."

I use my power and resurrect her lover. For some reason my brother appears and he isn't happy.

Light: "What have you done?"

Darkness: "I have resurrected the man this woman loved."

He waves his hand and the man I resurrected fades out of existence. I use my power to bring him back to life. We continue to destroy and revive him until things escalate resulting in us both turning into our dragon forms.

Light: "This woman came to you only after I denied her pleas, pleas that would have disrupted the balance that you and I created. Together."

Darkness: "Then allow me to correct my mistake."

I inhale and breath out a stream of purple flames and the man is turned to ashes. She creates a lightning spell but my brother stops her and teleports us to his domain.

Light: "When you first came to me, I did pity you. But it is clear now that your selfishness and arrogance have led you astray."

Blonde: "What did you do to me?"

Light: "I have made you immortal."

Darkness: "You can not die. You can not be with your beloved."

Darkness+Light: "So long as this world turns, you shall walk its face."

Light: "You must learn the importance of life and death. Only then may you rest."


I sit on my throne holding my wife when I feel that something is very wrong. I get up and land in my brother's domain in my dragon form.

Light: "Who has led you down this path?"

The blonde from before walks past everyone and stands before us.

Darkness: "You."

Everyone launches a magical attack at me, but I just collect and condense it into a ball.

Darkness: "My own gift to them, used against me."

I squeeze the ball until it shatters sending out a shockwave of magic that kills everyone on the planet. I make sure the blast doesn't affect me, my brother, Isis and the blonde woman.

Darkness: "You thought there was no greater punishment we could bestow upon you?"

Blonde: "I'll come back. I'll tell the rest of the world of this massacre, build a new army."

Darkness: "You do not understand. There is no one left. You are all that remains of humanity."

Light: "This planet was a beautiful experiment, but it is merely a remnant of what it once was. We will learn from this failure. I hope that you will learn from yours."

We both leave but I teleport to my domain to speak with Isis first.

Isis: "Darkness there you are, what happened? How come I can't sense anymore humans?"

Darkness: "I had to get rid of them."

Isis: "Why?"

Darkness: "Because of the actions of a single human."

Isis: "Will the humans return?"

Darkness: "Eventually."

I start to fade away.

Isis: "What is happening to you?"

Darkness: "My brother is calling me to him."

Isis: "Does this mean you'll be leaving me?"

Darkness: "Believe me, this is far from what I want but wherever my brother goes I must follow."

She starts to cry and we hug each other.

Isis: "I love you darkness."

Darkness: "I love you too Isis."

We break the hug enough to kiss each other one last time. I fully fade away and spot my brother waiting for me.

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