Ch 7 Neo

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Y/N: "Ever since that day I have been in hiding, careful as to not expose my real identity."

I look at their reactions and see tears in their eyes.

Ruby: *wipes tears* "That's a really sad story."

Weiss: "I had no idea you were hiding something like that."

Y/N: "We all have our secrets."

I look around and see my comment affected Blake the most.

Y/N: "Enough with the doom and gloom; we have a big day tomorrow."

They get up and leave but I stop Blake.

Blake: "What is it?"

Y/N: "I saw your reaction when I said we all have secrets."

She looks to the side and won't match my gaze.

Y/N: "When you're ready to speak about it, I will hear you out and not pass judgement."

She undoes her bow and reveals her cat ears.

Y/N: "You're a faunus?"

Blake: "Yeah, and I was once part of the white fang."

Y/N: "Oh my."

Blake: "I thought you said you wouldn't judge?"

Y/N: "It's not that, it's just your ears are so fluffy!"

Blake: "Quite!"

Y/N: "Relax I sound proofed my room, observe."

I turn to the wall and deeply inhale.

Y/N: "Yang has big tits!"

I wait and hear nothing which makes me smile.

Y/N: "See, no one can hear anything."

I keep staring at her kitty ears and can't resist not asking.

Y/N: "May I?"

Blake: "May you what?"

Y/N: "Can I please pet your ears?"

Her eyes widen but she ultimately nods her head yes. I internally scream in joy then start petting her ears. Blake's face goes beet red and I switch ear which make her start purring.

Y/N: "They're so fluffy!"

I pull my hand back and Blake redoes her bow covering her ears. The next day we walk through the Forest of Forever Fall and the entire way there I stare at Glynda's ass being contained in her tight skirt and pants.

Glynda: "Each of you is to gather one jar of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of grimm. So be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at four o'clock, good luck."

I wait till everyone leaves and when the coast is clear I finally grab onto Glynda's ass which makes her moan.

Y/N: "You must be going to a lot of parties because you sure do have a lot of cake."

Glynda: "You don't just grope a girl's ass!"

Y/N: "Hey, this is my way of saying you look fine."

Glynda: "Get your hand off of me!"

Y/N: *takes hand away* "Are we just going to ignore that moan you did earlier?"

Glynda: "I didn't moan."

Y/N: "Yeah ok. I know you liked it."

Glynda: *yells* "Stop it Y/N!"

Y/N: *plugs ears* "This is not what I imagined when I wanted you to scream my name."

Glynda: "Why are you acting like this?"

Y/N: "Because you are a beautiful woman." *faces audience* "Who needs more stories written about her because she is one of the sexiest older women in RWBY."

Glynda: "You think I'm beautiful?"

Y/N: "Glynda, you are a strong and confident woman who is in the prime of her life. I'm actually surprised you don't have a army of men chasing after you."

I see her smile and walk closer to me; she stops in front of me and kisses my lips. Things escalate and you can guess what happened next. I fix us up when I hear a commotion to my left; I run to it and see Jaune decapitate a Ursa Major. The next day I walk down the streets of Vale with team RWBY, but my stomach growls which makes me take a detour to a nearby food spot. I head inside and place my order; while I wait I see a rather short girl with a odd appearance sit down next to me.

Y/N: "Can I help you?"

Girl: *holds up sign* "Never seen you here before."

Y/N: "Thought I'd try this place out. I hear their muffins are good."

Girl: "They're alright."

Y/N: *holds out hand* "I'm Y/N."

Neo: *shakes hand while holding sign* "Neo, nice to meet you Y/N."

Y/N: "So Miss Neo, what is it you do for a living?"

Neo: "I can't quite say."

Y/N: "Then it must require secrecy."

Neo: "In a way. What is it you do?"

Y/N: "I attend Beacon, but so far it's boring."

Neo: "How so?"

Y/N: "There's no one there that can provide me a challenge."

Neo: "I take it you're a skilled fighter?"

Y/N: "Let's just say it's literally impossible to keep me down."

Neo: *smirks* "Is that a challenge I hear?"

Y/N: "Think you can beat me?"

Neo: "Maybe, wanna bet on it?"

Y/N: "What are you willing to bet?"

Neo: "Loser has to do whatever the winner says."

Y/N: "You're on."

We head outside and to a open area allowing us to go all in.

Y/N: *pops shoulder* "It's not too late to back out."

Neo: "Same goes for you."

Y/N: *lifts fists* "Get ready."

Neo: "Bring it."

I smile and charge at her and begin our fight.

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