Ch 5 Lunch Time

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I regain consciousness and find myself in Ozpin's office. I go to hold my head but find myself restrained in a chair.

Ozpin: "You're finally awake."

Y/N: "I was caught trying to cross the border."

Ozpin: "Are you finally in control again?"

Y/N: "Yes."

Ozpin: "Good."

He presses a button and my restraints are broken allowing me to move.

Y/N: "Does this mean I'm not in trouble?"

Ozpin: "No, thanks to reports from fellow students I know Cardin provoked you and is responsible for your outburst."

Y/N: "You know what Ozpin, you're alright for now."

Ozpin: "I am happy to help a fellow student."

I walk out of his office and head to where I sense everyone. The moment I arrive in the cafeteria everyone stares at me with fear in their eyes but I just ignore them. I pile food onto my plate then sit down with Ruby and her friends.

Ruby: "Hey Y/N."

Y/N: "Hello."

Yang: "What happened?"

Y/N: "Ozpin said it was Cardin's fault that I went berserk and I am not in trouble."

Weiss: "I don't condone what you did, but that dolt got what he deserved."

Ruby: "I have something for you."

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out my locket. I grab and clip it around my neck.

Y/N: "Thank you Ruby."

Blake: "Why did you nearly kill Carin?"

Y/N: "Because this locket means the world to me and I was given it right after my mother died."

Jaune: "What happened?"

Y/N: "I can't tell you here; meet me in my dorm later tonight."

They nod and that's when I hear a cry of pain.

???: "Please stop."

I look behind me and see Cardin pulling on a faunus' ears. Cardin is in a okay shape; his leg is in a cast, the right side of his face is covered in bandages and his armor is still broken but in its place is chainmail. I walk to Cardin and get his attention.

Y/N: "What do we have here?"

He goes pale at the sight of me and visibly starts shaking.

Cardin: "It's not what it looks like."

Y/N: "Really, because to me it looks like you're picking on a defenseless girl."

Cardin: "Come on man, please don't hurt me again."

Y/N: "Then let her go and apologize."

He lets her go and get down on his good knee.

Cardin: "I apologize for hurting you."

He gets and quickly limps away to Oum knows where.

Girl: "You're not going to hurt me are you?"

Y/N: "No, I just want to make sure you're alright."

Girl: "Oh, well thank you for your help."

Y/N: *pats her head* "Don't mention it, you adorable bunny."

She starts blushing and soon starts purring. Her ears twitch letting me know she is liking it. I take my hand away and walk back to my friends. I sit down and they all have smiles on their faces.

Nora: "You should have broken his other leg."

Y/N: "I don't want to push my luck with Ozpin."

Blake: "That was sweet on how you helped that faunus."

Y/N: "She was in trouble so I helped her."


Teacher: "Humankind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing faunus population in Menagerie. Now while this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative that these are relatively recent events. Why the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day. Now have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your faunus heritage?"

All of the faunus in the room raise their hand and I feel bad for them.

Teacher: "Dreadful, simply dreadful. Remember students it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence. I mean, I mean just look at what happened to the white fang. Now which one of you young scholars could tell me what many theorists believe to be the turning point in the third year of the war?"

Weiss: "The battle of fort castle."

Teacher: "Precisely and who can tell me the advantage the faunus had over general Lagoon's forces?"

Jaune: "Hey."

Teacher: "Mr. Arc, finally contributing to class. This is excellent, excellent what is the answer?"

Jaune: "The answer... the advantage the faunus..." *looks at Pyrrha giving him a hint* "Had over that guy's stuff... is... binoculars!"

Everyone laughs at him while I give him look of sympathy.

Oobleck: "Very funny Mr. Arc. Cardin, perhaps you would care to share your thoughts on the subject?"

Cardin: "Well I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier."

Y/N: "You're pushing your luck Cardin."

Teacher: "Mr. L/N, I will have to ask you to let it go. Cardin, that was a disrespectful remark. As punishment I want a five page essay on why you should respect faunus; and I want it on my desk first thing tomorrow morning."

Cardin: "That's so unfair!"

Y/N: "Learn to keep your mouth shut and this wouldn't have happened."

Teacher: "Y/N, unless you wish to join him I would recommend you hold your remarks."

Y/N: "Of course, sorry professor."

Doctor: "Doctor! I didn't earn that PhD for shits and grins."

The rest of the day goes by and when night hits teams RWBY and JNPR arrive in my room.

Weiss: "Why couldn't you tell us whatever you had to in the cafeteria?"

Y/N: "Because you guys are the only ones I trust with this information."

Jaune: "Did you commit a crime?"

Y/N: "No, it's about what you saw in my fight with Cardin and why I went berserk when he insulted my mom."

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