Ch 11 Cinder

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I fix my clothes then head to the ballroom; once there I scout the area in search of someone when I see her. I walk up to her and hold out my hand.

Y/N: "May I have this dance?"

Emerald: "You may."

I escort her to the dancefloor and we dance through a slow paced song. When the song was finished I head to where I sense my friends and head to Ruby.

Y/N: "Aren't you going to dance?"

Ruby: "I can't exactly in heels."

Y/N: "Then I'll help you."

I walk her to the dancefloor and I pull her close as we dance.

Y/N: "Just follow my lead."

Ruby: "Ok."

I start us off and at first she steps on my foot.

Ruby: "Sorry."

Y/N: "Don't worry about it, I hardly feel it."

About halfway into the song she gets the hang of it and stops stepping on my feet.

Ruby: "I had no idea you could dance so well."

Y/N: "I learned from my mom."

Ruby: "I'm really sorry for what you went through."

Y/N: "Don't worry about it, I had my time to overcome her death."

Ruby: "Even still, I know what it's like to lose a mother."

Y/N: "Guess that's something we can relate to."

Ruby: "How are you always so happy?"

Y/N: "Whenever bad things happen I just focus on the good and if I can't find any good. I turn to someone I trust and just talk."

Ruby: "Do you trust me?"

Y/N: "Of course I do, I told you and your friends what happened to my mom. That tells you that I trust you all enough to let you know something I tend to hide from everyone."

I see her smile and lay her head on my chest. The song ends and I head outside to take a break from dancing. I look at the buildings when I see a figure jumping from rooftop to rooftop. I chase after the figure and end up at the CCT. I teleport inside and see the figure pulling a flash drive out of the main computer. I grab their wrist and see the figure is a woman; she goes to hit me but I catch her other wrist and suspend her in the air.

Y/N: "What is your business here?"

She kicks my stomach and I slam her back first onto a console. The console breaks and she is left gasping for air. I look beside her and see the flash drive; I grab it with her trying to stop me. Fire appears on her hands and she uses it to burn my wrist. I punt her away and into a wall then bend down to pick up the flash drive. I examine it and crush it in my hand.

Y/N: "You won't have what was on that."

The figure runs at me and tries to tackle me. I flip her over my shoulder and onto a desk. I slam my elbow on her chest and wind her.

Y/N: "Give up, you can't beat me."

Woman: "Never."

Y/N: "Suit yourself."

I slam the bottom of my fist on her forehead and knock her out. I throw her over my shoulder and teleport us to my room. I put her in a chair and bind her wrists and ankles. With her secured I make her regain consciousness and sit in front of her.

Y/N: "Welcome back."

Woman: "Release me this instant!"

Y/N: "Not until you answer my questions. Who are you?"

Woman: "I'll never talk."

Y/N: "Why do you always say that when we all know it's not true?"

I walk to her and emit a gray mist that enters through her nose. After a few seconds she starts thrashing in her seat and screams.

Woman: "Make it stop!"

Y/N: "Tell me what I want to know."

Woman: "Ok! Ok! Just please Oum, make it stop!"

I retract the mist and she clams down.

Y/N: "Take two, who are you?"

Cinder: "My name is Cinder fall."

Y/N: "What was your goal at the CCT?"

Cinder: "To gather information on all of the students and implant a virus."

Y/N: "Who gave you these orders?"

Cinder: "My queen."

Y/N: "Who is she?"

Cinder: "I can't say."

Y/N: "Why?"

Cinder: "Because it is forbidden."

Y/N: "Is she here in Vale?"

Cinder: "No, she is in a place far from here."

Y/N: "Then she is not a immediate issue."

Cinder: "What are you going to do with me?"

Y/N: "I can't have you running back to your boss, so you will stay with me."

Cinder: "What if I refuse?"

Y/N: "Then you'll die, am I understood."

Cinder: "Yes."

Y/N: "Good. My name is Y/N and I am your partner."

I free her from her binds and she stands.

Cinder: "You're not going to rat me out?"

Y/N: "Why would I rat out a pretty woman such as yourself?"

She blushes and soon adopts a smile, but not a regular smile. It is a smile a predator would have when it has its prey cornered. She latches onto my chest and crashes her lips onto mine. I use my magic to lock the door and discard our clothes. The next day she wraps her arm around me and traces my chest.

Cinder: "I think I'm going to enjoy being by your side."

Y/N: "Why the sudden shift in personality?"

Cinder: "Because you made me feel like a woman and I want more."

She lays on top of me and we go another round.

Y/N: "Thanks author!"

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