Ch 12 The Traitor

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???: "Are you almost done?"

Y/N: "Almost."

???: "You're really good."

Y/N: "You say that every time I do this Glynda."

Glynda: "I know, but today it feels better than ever."

Y/N: "Can you shift a little so I can get every inch?"

Glynda: *shifts* "Does this help?"

Y/N: "Yeah, now it's so much easier."

I continue what I'm doing and lightly squeeze my hand.

Glynda: "Ahh~! That's the spot!"

Y/N: "Do you want me to do it harder?"

Glynda: "Yes. Go as hard as you possibly can!"

Cinder POV

I walk down the hall trying to find Y/N. I walk past the combat class when I hear something.

???: "Go as hard as you can!"

Y/N: "Does that feel better?"

???: "It feels like heaven!"

I blush at what I'm hearing and barge into the room screaming.

Cinder: "What are you doing Y/N?!"

Y/N: "Giving Glynda a foot massage."

I look at him and see her feet in his lap and his hands rubbing her feet.

Cinder: "Why exactly are you giving her a foot massage?"

Glynda: "I'm on my feet most of the day in heels so my feet tend to hurt a lot."

Y/N: "And I decided to help her out by massaging her feet."

Cinder: "I see."

Y/N: "What did you think we were doing?"

Cinder: "Don't worry about it. We need to report to the amphitheater for a speech."

Y/N: "Alright, I'll be right there."


I finish the massage and head to the amphitheater where Ozpin gives us a speech that I don't pay attention to. Before I know it me, Cinder, Mercury and Emerald are picking a mission to go on. They are with us because I sought them out as my other teammates. After explaining the situation with Cinder they have agreed to serve me. We take a mission that takes us all the way to Menagerie. We land on the docks and head to our mission start. We arrive at a hotel and wait for our client to arrive. A female tiger faunus sits down at our table with a hood covering her face.

Hood: "Are you the huntsmen that took my mission?"

Y/N: "Yep. My name is Y/N and you are?"

Sienna: "Sienna Kahn."

Y/N: "The leader of the White Fang?"

Sienna: "Yes."

Y/N: "Then shit just went from zero to one hundred."

Sienna: "I need your help."

Y/N: "With what?"

Sienna: "I have reason to believe there is a coup being set up and a attempt on my life."

Y/N: "And you want us to find the person leading the coup and deal with them?"

Sienna: "Yes, can I count on you?"

Y/N: "With me on the case, your life is safe."

Sienna: "That is good to hear."

Y/N: "Do you have any leads as to who may be leading the coup?"

Sienna: "All I know is that they are within my ranks and is a man."

Y/N: "It's not much, but I'll try to find him. Do you have a place that is safe to stay at?"

Sienna: "Yes, I know the wife of the chieftain of Menagerie."

Y/N: "Then stay with her until I come get you."

She nods and walks away while we get to work on finder the traitor. We split up and I walk the street when I see a White Fang member. I teleport behind him, grab him and teleport us high above Menagerie.

WFM: "Put me down!"

Y/N: "Very poor choice of words."

I let go of him and let him plummet to the ground below. Before he can go splat I teleport him back to me.

Y/N: "Tell me who is leading the coup in the White Fang."

WFM: "I don't know who he is!"

Y/N: "Don't lie to me."

WFM: "I'm serious, no one knows his name."

Y/N: "Then how is he addressed?"

WFM: "He always goes by the name Ripper."

Y/N: "Where can I find this Ripper?"

WFM: "He is stationed in the desert part of Menagerie."

Y/N: "Is he guarded?"

WFM: "The only time he doesn't have men by his side is when he goes into his private room in the local strip club."

Y/N: "Anything else?"

WFM: "His private room has a red door with the initials R.I.P."

Y/N: "When does he go to his private room?"

WFM: "He should be there tonight to discuss plans on the coup."

Y/N: "Your compliance is appreciated."

I teleport us back to the ground and knock him out. I regroup with the others and together we wait until nightfall to confront the traitor. We walk to the strip club and head inside.

Y/N: "Stand guard and if things turn to shit, have fun."

They all smile and I head to this Ripper's private room, when I get there I am stopped by two men with guns.

Guard1: "This is a private area."

Y/N: "I need to speak with Ripper."

Guard2: "Get lost before you get killed."

I grin at their disobedience and crack my knuckles knowing I get to use my favorite method of entering a room.

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