Ch 23 The General

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Y/N: "What did you want to talk about?"

Ozpin: "About your current status in Atlas."

Y/N: "So you know about that?"

Ozpin: "Yes, but I know that you are far from a murderer."

Y/N: "So what did you want to do?"

Ozpin: "With your permission, I want to travel to Atlas to sort this issue out."

Y/N: "Just me and you?"

Ozpin: "Yes."

Y/N: "As long as you're by my side, then I'll go."

He smiles and together we both board a bullhead and fly to Atlas. Once we arrive we head straight fo Ironwood's office.

Ironwood: "Ozpin, to what do I owe this visit?"

Y/N: "It's about me."

Ironwood: "You!"

He goes to aim his gun, but Ozpin stands in front of me to block the shot.

Ironwood: "Ozpin, get out of the way!"

Ozpin: "I will not allow you to hurt my student."

Ironwood: "He's a criminal!"

Ozpin: *angry* "He is not a criminal! If it wasn't for him my school would have ben lost to the grimm."

Ironwood: "He's a threat to our safety."

Y/N: "I'm real sick and tired of people always assuming I'm a bad person."

Ozpin: "We have just came to talk James."

Ironwood: "This beast doesn't deserve to talk, he deserves to be put in prison for his crimes."

I grit my teeth and feel my anger starting to get the best of me. Before it can control me, Ozpin places his hand on my shoulder which makes me relax.

Ozpin: "James, so far you have been nothing but hostile and aggressive to Y/N. I didn't want to have to do this but you leave me no other choice."

I see Ozpin tap a few buttons on his scroll and pretty soon men enter the room and arrest Ironwood.

Ironwood: "What's going on?!"

Officer: "James Ironwood, you are under arrest for the attempted murder and torture of Y/N L/N."

They escort him out of the room and I smile then teleport to Salem.

Salem: "Y/N, what are you doing here?"

Y/N: "I bring great news, Ironwood has just ben arrested."

Salem: "So that means?"

Y/N: "Yep, you can come with me."

Salem: "How did you even do this?"

Y/N: "That's just it, I didn't do it; Ozpin had him arrested."

Salem: "Then it looks like I have to thank him."

I teleport us back to Ozpin and when he sees Salem, he is a little surprised.

Ozpin: "Hello Salem."

Salem: "Long time no see Ozpin."

Ozpin: "How have you ben?"

Salem: "Sad, until I met Y/N."

Ozpin: "You two are together?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

Ozpin: "That is good to hear, I'm glad to see you happy again."

Salem: "Wait, you are glad?"

Ozpin: "Yes. I still care about you and seeing as you are happy, it brings me joy to know you are with someone who will bring you happiness."

They hug each other with Salem telling Ozpin thank you for accepting us. Some time later I stand at the alter in a tux with Mercury, Jaune, Ren and Roman by my side. I hear the door open and see Salem walk down the aisle towards me.

Ozpin: "Do you Y/N L/N take Salem as your lawfully wedded wife?"

Y/N: "I do."

Ozpin: "Do you Salem take Y/N L/N as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Salem: "I do."

Ozpin: "Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife; you may now kiss the bride."

Years later me and Salem settle down in Vale. A few months after our wedding we had a daughter name D/N. She looks just like her mother minus the pale white skin. Because of who we are, she has power behind her and I think one day she will surpass us. Currently it is nighttime and me and Salem are sitting in our bed holding one another.

Y/N: "Hey Salem?"

Salem: "Yes dear?"

Y/N: "I feel kind of bad for D/N."

Salem: "Why's that?"

Y/N: "Because, she must feel so lonely."

Salem: "Why would she be lonely?"

Y/N: "She doesn't have anyone close to her age. I mean she has the kids of our friends to play with, but they are at least three years ahead of her."

Salem: "You won't have to feel bad for D/N anymore."

Y/N: "How?"

Salem: "Because in about seven months she will have some close to her age."

Y/N: "You're pregnant?!"

Salem: "Yep."

I pull her close and kiss her forehead.

Y/N: "I love you Salem."

Salem: "And I love you Y/N."

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