Ch 1 Opening

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Hello dear readers and welcome to my story. Right now I am walking down the streets of I don't  know where exactly. All I know is that this is the place where RWBY opens up at. I look from store to store until finally I hear something that sounds like it will be worth my time. I head to the source of the noise and find a teenage girl who I can't comment on in fear of Chris Hansen. I watch as she swings around a oversized grain cutter. She dives out of the window and starts taking care of some of the would be robbers.

She takes care of all but the ring leader; he climbs a ladder to the roof of a building. I chase after him with me and the girl from before cornering him on a ledge. He jumps into a bullhead and holds up a fire dust crystal.

Man: "End of the line."

He tosses the crystal at us but I catch it and proclaim into the air.

Y/N: "I caught it!"

My celebration is cut short when a shot rings out and the fire dust crystal explodes in my hand.

Girl POV

I shield my eyes from the blast and feel my anger rise at the loss of that boy. I look back and see a huntress holding up a magic shield protecting me. The huntress waves her riding crop with purple beams hitting the bullhead.The huntress makes black smoke appear above the bullhead which makes icicles rain down on the bullhead. A fireball is launched from the bullhead with the huntress deflecting it. That proves to be a mistake because the person who threw the fireball makes a pillar of fire erupt from under us. The huntress then uses the rubble from the attack to make a giant lance then sends it at the bullhead. The fireball thrower breaks apart the lance but the huntress breaks it into sections. The sections go to hit the bullhead but the fireball thrower sends out a heatwave which destroys the sections. They then make circles around us but we dodge them. The bullhead flies away while I look at the huntress with stars in my eyes.

Ruby: "You're a huntress! Can I have your autograph?"


I finish healing from the explosion and see that girl talking to a bustful blonde in a skirt.

Y/N: "Where did that man go?"

They look at me with the blonde blushing and covering the girl's eyes.

Y/N: "What's wrong with you?"

Blonde: "You're naked?!"

I look down seeing I am in fact naked. I stare at her and lightly move my hips from side to side making my third eye move.

Y/N: "You like what you see?"

She blushes harder and waves her riding crop at me and incases me in a purple bubble that blocks my view of the outside. I use some of my magic to create a change of clothes then break out of the bubble. The blonde escorts us to a police station where she goes off giving us a lecture about what we did. Just then a old man in a suit walks in with a mug of coffee in one hand and a plate of cookies in the other.

Boomer: "Ruby Rose, you have...silver eyes."

Ruby: "Uh-"

Boomer: *pulls up video to show us* "Where did you learn to do this?"

Ruby: "S-Signal Academy."

Boomer: "They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?"

Ruby: "Well, one teacher in particular."

Boomer: "I see-"

He sets the plate of cookies down and Ruby begins scarfing them down. I go to get one but she slaps my hand away and slides the plate away from me.

Boomer: "It's just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill. A dusty old crow..."

Ruby: "That's my uncle Qrow. He's a teacher at Signal. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. And now, I'm all like..."

She does kung fu with sound effects.

Boomer: "So I've noticed, and what is a adorable girl such as yourself doing at a school designed to train warriors?"

Y/N: "Don't make me call Chris Hansen."

Ruby: "Well... I want to be a huntress."

Boomer: "You want to slay monsters?"

Ruby: "Yeah. I only have two more years of training at Signal."

She spouts about wanting to go to Beacon like her sister.

Boomer: "Do you know who I am?"

Y/N: "A creepy old man who has a habit for withholding the truth?"

Ruby: "You're professor Ozpin. You're the headmaster of Beacon."

Ozpin: "Hello."

Ruby: "Nice to meet you."

Ozpin: "You want to come to my school?"

Ruby: "More than anything."

Ozpin: "Well okay." *looks at me* "What about you?"

Y/N: "Sure, I've got nothing else to do."

I head home to pack up my bag the next day; I finish putting my clothes in my bag then grab my locket off of my nightstand. I put it around my neck and open it to see a picture of my mom and me.

Y/N: "I wish you were here to see me."

I feel a tear coming up but I close the locket and fight back the sadness. I tuck the locket under my shirt and head to the pick up area for students. I step onto airship then wait for us to reach our destination.

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