Part thirtyone

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Christmas break was upon them, and everyone was gathered on the platform in Hogmeade, awaiting the train back to London. He pulled her into a corner at the end of the platform, hiding them away from all the other students. His adoring eyes fell upon her as the snow slowly fell to the ground, and her wool coat hung around her shoulders. Her Gryffindor scarf was wrapped tightly around her neck to warm her, and her brown messy curls appeared from underneath her knitted beanie. He looked stylish as always, dressed in a black coat and leather gloves, the ones that his mother bought him.

"I wanted to wish you a merry Christmas Ellie"

"You too Draco, merry Christmas" she said, a smile upon her lips "I will miss you over the holidays, I suppose you will not be able to visit?"

"No uhm unfortunately not, but I will miss you too, dearly"

His eyes wandered around the cold corner where they were stood as he pulled something out of the left pocket of his black coat.

"Here, I got this for you"

"A Christmas present?" she asked as he handed her a small square package wrapped in silver wrapping paper and a deep green slim ribbon. He nodded his head as she took it from him.

"Open it on Christmas day" he said quietly.

"I will, thank you Draco, that's really sweet of you" she said, putting the present in her pocket before she leaned forward to place a kiss on his cheek "I actually got you something too"

"Me?" he asked, looking slightly surprised "I've already told you Ellie, I have plenty as it is"

"And I know Draco, but Christmas is about giving alright?" she laughed as she grabbed his present from her bag and handed it to him "so merry Christmas"

"Thank you" he smiled, his eyes searching hers for something.

They stood in silence for a moment, the snow falling on them as it descended from the cloudy sky. He put his gift in his black leather book bag before he turned his gaze back to her, breathing heavily.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked, as he scratched the back of his neck "one last time before Christmas please"

She nodded her head, and he kissed her in the falling snow.

Soon enough they were separated, him going to sit in the Slytherin carriage alongside his friends and her going to look for Hermione, Harry and Ron. She found them in an compartment, and as she opened the door the three of them looked at her with curious eyes.

"Oh hi Ellie" Ron said, sinking back into his seat.

"Hello" she mumbled, sitting down next to Hermione.

"Where have you been?" Hermione questioned, turning to look at her "I was worried you missed the train"

"No" she shook her head "I was with my sister"

It of course was a lie, for she could not possibly tell her friends the truth. Whatever it was that she shared with the pale boy, it was eating away at her to keep it a secret, but she knew she had to. Things were going on inside his head, things that she could not understand, and things that Harry could possibly use against him. They all think Draco is the enemy, he really isn't. He's just misunderstood, not seen as who he really is.


Christmas came and went with it's cold days and carols. She was at home with her large cluster of family, and she knew by the letters that she received that Hermione was at home with her family and then traveled to the Burrow where Ron and Harry was at with the Weasley family. She learned that the twins, Bill, Charlie and Percy were all home at the Burrow to celebrate.

On Christmas day she opened the gift from Draco in her room. She didn't want the rest of her family to ask questions, for their questions would just get messy. She sat on her bed as she carefully removed the deep green ribbon and the glossy silver wrapping paper, revealing a black velvet box. With trembling hands she popped it open, and a small note laid on top of a piece of jewelry. She picked it up, letting her eyes scan over it.

Dear Ellie,
Merry Christmas to you my darling. Excuse me for being distant, I wish I could be with you all of the time. However, here is something from me to ensure that you will always carry a piece of me with you wherever you go. I hope you like it.
Draco Malfoy.

She put the note down and took out a necklace from the black velvet box. It was a thin silver chain with a silver heart pendant in the middle. She let her fingertips trail the small heart, noticing a small emerald in the middle of it, as green as her dress had been that night of the Slug club Christmas party. She couldn't help but smile as she put the necklace on, tucking it underneath her shirt.

He was right, she felt closer to him, like a part of his Slytherin heart was with her, resting in the crevice between her collarbones.

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