Part thirtyeight

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He was a storm on the night sky, whirling among the darkness, searching for the light.

She sat by his bedside every day as he recovered, stroking his cheek and reading him muggle books about heroes and great conquerers. He listened, gazing at her at all times, staring at her lips as she spoke the words out of her books. He looked at her like he had just realized the deeper meaning of love from his uncomfortable hospital bed.

She had barely spoken to Harry since that afternoon in the bathroom, but she knew that despite him disliking Malfoy greatly, Harry did not want to harm Malfoy to such an extent. She had seen his face, and he had been both horrified and guilt-ridden for using the curse against him ever since that day. Pansy Parkinson was on him constantly, calling him coldblooded, Ginny however stood up for Harry's usage of the curse, saying that it was what saved him from being struck by Malfoy's cruciatus curse.

That horrible curse being uttered from Draco's lips made her stomach turn, she didn't want to believe that he possessed the knowledge to cast such a curse, but he had always been talented when it came to charms.

However he was not evil, just hurt.

The second week of May came around and the boy was free to leave the infirmary, not a single scar lingering on his pale skin. On the inside though, she knew how many scars he carried around ingrained on his mind and soul.

"Are you sure that you should play this match?" she asked as he walked down to the Quidditch pitch next to him, adoring him in his green and silver Slytherin team robes "don't get me wrong, I want nothing else than to see you out on that field but I also want you alive"

"Don't worry Ellie, I'm fine, I want to play today, I need to have one last good memory out on that field" he assured her, a firm grip on his Nimbus 2001 broomstick "besides, you can't break what's already broken"

He spoke with a teasing tone to his voice, but she knew that deep down he wasn't joking. He was broken, and he was breaking a bit more by each passing day.

"Ellie" he said, stopping to look at her with curious eyes "it's a joke, why do you look so mortified? Is my soul too dark for you?"

"No, not at all" she laughed, stroking his cheek "your soul is perfect"

They reached the Quidditch pitch and Draco looked around before quickly placing a kiss on her forehead. She watched him as he walked off towards the Slytherin changing rooms.

"Hey Draco!" she called out.

"What my darling?" he asked, turning around to face her.

"I need you"

"For?" he asked confused, wondering what she possibly could need help with now, right when he was about to play a Quidditch match.

"Ever" she said, a pleased smirk building upon her lips "I need you forever"

"Oh, you're funny" he laughed, winking at her "I need you forever too, you know that"

She rushed up to him, giggling as she stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. He kissed her back, his left hand entangling itself into her messy brown curls.

"Good luck" she whispered to him.

"Thank you" he hummed against her lips "will you cheer for me?"


Slytherin played against Hufflepuff. Having Draco back as seeker helped the Slytherin team immensely, and it did not take more than thirty seven minutes until he had caught the golden snitch, ending the match with a win for the house dressed in green. It had been a while since Slytherin had won, seeing as Draco's absence had led to a great decrease in the team's efficiency. Nobody in Slytherin seemed to hold the enough amount of talent to make up for his, not even their team captain.

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