Part fortyeight

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Until death do us apart, him and me.

She sat with him, her now husband, outside of the small tent he had set up on a hill. The sun was setting and next to them crackled a fire. The small tent may have looked small to the outside world, but thank goodness for magic, for the tent was bigger and much more cozy once you stepped into it. He wanted a evening just for the two of them, it seemed rather ridiculous to go back to their separate dorms seeing as they just eloped. 

"I'm gonna love you until my lungs give out Ellie" he breathed as he stroked her hair.

"Yeah well... until death do us apart Draco, we swore on it"

"We did" he mumbled, a joyful smile upon his lips as he peered at her "best thing I've ever said in my lifetime"

The view before them was spectacular, high mountain tops covered in melting snow and deep lakes slowly defrosting. The sky was clear, and the sunset made transcendent colours dance over them.

Her bouquet of red flowers and dashing greenery laid on a small wooden table inside of the tent, she intended on drying the flowers and keep them framed as a keepsake. Around her ring finger she could see her silver wedding band with the small gems inlaced into it, and she wished she could keep it on forever. However she knew that after this day she would have to take it off, hang it on her necklace and conceal it from the world. For no one could know about them, not yet.

Draco suddenly stood up and rushed inside the tent, she sat up straighter and looked after him. A second later he came back, holding a radio.

"Dance with me?" he asked, turning on the radio before he reached his hand out to her. She grabbed his hand and he pulled her up, holding her closely. His hand rested on the small of her back, and she laid her hand on his upper arm. He held her other hand, softly swaying her around to a slow Celestina Warbeck song. 

"I'm sorry this isn't the ideal wedding dance" he mumbled in her ear.

"This is just perfect Draco"

He twirled her around, and she let out a laugh. They danced as the sun set around them, and the slow music faded out into the mountains.

"I'm sorry I couldn't give you a proper wedding" he said softly "you deserve a big fancy one"

"It's alright Draco, I don't need a big fancy wedding, all I need is you"

It was given that when she thought about herself getting married when she was younger, she never imagined that she would elope at the mere age of seventeen. She always thought she would get married in a large church with a lively wedding band playing at her reception, she would've thought that she would be surrounded by friends and family and that her wedding dress was going to be big and poofy. Her mother and father had shared a wedding binder with all their plans in it, and they planned for months. She just showed up to her big day, and Draco had already taken care of everything. But it didn't matter, for she was happy.

"I feel rather bad about not asking your father for your hand" he hummed, softly swaying her around "but I suppose he would've thought I was mad since I doubt they even know we're a couple"

"Yeah with us being a secret and all" she laughed, looking up at him "but my mother and father adores you, I'm sure he won't be too upset"

The sun settled behind the hills as the song ended and Draco turned down the volume slightly. They sat down next to each other as Draco pulled out a small white cake.

"You got us a wedding cake?" she asked excitedly.

"Yeah" he laughed, handing her a silver spoon "wouldn't be a wedding without cake right?"

"Right" she laughed, and together they dug into the small cake.

"It isn't as big as a normal wedding cake, but it felt rather silly buying the large one when it's only us two" he said, looking at her.

"I suppose so yeah" she agreed, her mouth filled with the sweet cake "but this is just perfect, and delicious"

"Yeah this is amazing" he exclaimed, putting his spoon into his mouth "god I love cake, and I love you"

"I love you too" she laughed "and cake"

The moment was sweet, and even thought things in the world felt uncertain... this very moment couldn't have been better. She was certain that no matter what happened from this point onwards, he was hers and she was his.

"Maybe in the future we could renew our vows?" he asked after a while "so our families can come and celebrate with us I mean, I feel rather sad that your parents and your sister didn't get to see you get married"

"That sounds like a great idea" she agreed, taking another bite of the cake "I would love that"

The stars and the moon appeared on the dark night sky as they finished the cake before the crackling fire. Together they stargazed, he pointing out different constellations to her and her looking at the moonlight that illuminated his pale skin.

"I didn't know you were so great at astrology" she said, looking at him.

"I'm great at everything I do" he teased, smirking at her.

His words made her laugh, for it felt like old times. 

"Yeah I know" she teased back, nudging his shoulder.

"No but honestly I'm not that great at astrology, but my whole family tree is filled with names that is rooted in astrology so my mother thought me a thing or two"

"Oh okay" she hummed, leaning her head against his shoulder.

"Did you know that my name has it's base in astrology?" he asked, looking down at her as he stroked her hair.

"I did not no"

"Draco, it means dragon in latin and it's a star constellation in the far northern sky, it was listed by Ptolemy in the 2nd century" he said, lingering his fingertips on her ear "we have a lot of people named after star constellations in my family... Bellatrix, Sirius, Andromeda, Regulus, Orion, Arcturus, Cygnus..."

"That's quite nice" she mumbled, looking up at the glistening stars above them "my name doesn't have a interesting family story behind it, my parents just liked the name Eleonora"

"What does it mean? Your name, Eleonora I mean" he asked.

"Something about light, compassionate and merciful I think" she shrugged "I don't really know if I'm being honest"

"Light, compassionate and merciful would be a accurate way of describing you" he said, pressing a kiss to her temple "I mean you're the light in my life"

"Charming" she laughed.

"It's true Ellie, you make me find hope in what feels hopeless"

It was getting colder and colder as they stargazed, and the fire was slowly dying. She felt shivers run down her spine as he held her closer. After a while they extinguished the fire and went into the tent to warm themselves. The tent held a small fireplace and she couldn't help but feel slightly astonished about what magic could do.

He lit a fire in the fireplace before he walked up behind her, moving her brown curls to the side before he pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, letting his lips travel down to her shoulder. She turned around and kissed him, and she could feel a small smile spreading across his lips as they kissed.

"Are you tired?" he asked, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Slightly" she mumbled, nodding her head.

"Lets get some rest" he whispered, unbuttoning his black suit jacket and taking it off, hanging it on the back of a chair stood by the small wooden table. She fiddled with the small zipper on the side of her white dress as he kicked his shoes off.

He stopped for moment to look at her, tilting his head to the right side.

"Do you need a hand?" he asked her.

"Yes please" she answered, nodding her head towards him. 

He took a step closer to her, carefully unzipping the side of her dress. She let it fall down to her ankles before she stepped out of it. She picked it up and hung it over the back of another chair, careful not to wrinkle it. 

"Draco?" she asked, turning around "you didn't manage to pack me anything to sleep in as you packed this magical tent? For I didn't bring anything, I didn't know I should've"

"Oh uhm y-yeah" he stammered, tearing his eyes away from her to walk off to his black leather book bag that was laying on the floor by the bed "here you go"

He threw her his Slytherin Quidditch shirt, and she pulled it on. It was rather big on her, and she folded the ends of the sleeves up. However it was warm, and it smelled like him.

He turned all the lights off in the tent before they got into bed. She laid on his chest as he stroked her hair. The fire in the small fireplace made the inside of the tent illuminate with a warm orange, and the crackling noises calmed her down.

"My beautiful wife" he hummed quietly, tracing his fingertips over her forehead.

"My handsome husband" she responded, gazing up at him.

He leaned down and kissed the top of her head, and she could feel his heart beat as she laid on his chest. The moment felt magical, and he was warm. She wished that the world would sometime get a chance to see the true Draco Malfoy, the caring sweet lovable boy she held so close to her heart.

He trailed his fingertips along her neck and down to her shoulder, and she pressed a kiss to his collarbone. She swore that for just a second, she could hear his heart skip a beat, and soon she felt his hands sneak down to her waist, pulling her closer to him.

She kissed him and he kissed her back, entangling his pale hands into her brown curls. Time passed slowly as she lost herself in his intoxicating touch, and his familiar cologne filled her nostrils. He brushed the hair out of her face as she slipped her leg over his torso, climbing on top of him.

"Wait" he said, breaking their kiss to catch his breath.

"What's wrong?" she asked, gazing into his bright eyes that shone through the darkness.

"Nothing" he assured her, stroking her cheek "I love this trust me, it's just... I-I never, uhm I've never done anything like this b-before"

She couldn't help but smile at how sweet he looked laying there, and she leaned down to kiss his cheek.

"It's my first time too" he whispered, laying her head on his shoulder "but we don't have to do anything if you don't want to"

"Are you mad?" he asked, laughing as he flipped her onto her back, leaning over her "I love you, of course I want to do this... if you're okay with it I mean"

"Yeah" she laughed, putting her hands behind his neck "I want to do this, I love you and you know to have and to hold for the rest of our lives, there's no better time than now and no better person than you"

"I love you" he said, pressing a kiss to her lips "I love you so much Ellie"

"I love you too Draco"

And that night, when their souls intertwined in more ways than one, she knew that she would be alright. Never before in her life had she felt that close to him, and she knew for a fact... love is patient and love is kind, love knows no boundaries and love as true as theirs could never fail.

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