Part fortynine

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For time shall come and go, and such a thing can't be stopped. It had been a month since their wedding day, and her silver wedding band hung on her necklace close to her heart. It felt rather sad to look down at the pale Slytherin boy's hands and see the absence of the silver wedding band that had once rested on his ring finger. She knew that he was hers, and she knew that he had his ring hung to the silver chain around his neck, but no one else knew... no one else could see that he was hers. Instead they saw his Slytherin ring, the one with the serpent.

Their love was the masterpiece of this century, but no one knew.

She was walking down the hallways of the large castle one Wednesday afternoon when she was pulled behind a corner, before she had a chance to scream out in shock a familiar hand covered her mouth. She heard his warm laugh and as she turned around she saw him standing before her with a smirk upon his lips.

"I can't believe you're doing this again" she laughed, reminiscing to all the times he used to scare the hell out of her by pulling her into dark corners before the dark forces took over the school.

"Sorry" he laughed, looking at her sweetly "but I needed to kiss you, I needed to kiss my wife"

"It still sounds so unbelievable when you say that" she said, pressing a kiss to his lips.

"What? My wife? You are my wife Ellie, not regretting it just yet I hope"

"I would never regret that" she said, stroking his gaunt cheek "never in a million years"

"I hope so" he mumbled, grabbing her chin to kiss her once more "cause I'm trying really hard to be good for you my darling"

"You're doing just fine" she said "however you would be doing even greater if you had thought to bring me some wizochoc"

"You think I didn't come prepared?" he asked, teasing her as he pulled her favourite chocolate bar out of his left pocket.

"Oh my god, I love you" she said wide eyed, grabbing the chocolate from him. He laughed as she quickly opened the packaging, taking a bite of the sweet. As she let the chocolate melt in her mouth she broke a piece off and gave it to him. He took it with with a small smile, plopping it into his mouth.

"You're a dream come true you know that Ellie?" he laughed, stroking her cheek.

"I know" she simply shrugged, a amused smile upon her lips "you are too"


March soon came to it's end and spring was in the air. It was time to go home again for Easter break, her very last break from Hogwarts. Soon she would be done, sitting in a boat after her seventh year graduation. She could not believe how fast seven years had gone by, and she felt quite sad to be leaving soon, even sadder that her last year was tainted by the dark matters of the world infiltrating her beloved school.

She kissed Draco goodbye in the empty stone hallways before all the students left for the small platform in Hogsmeade. She saw Draco step on the train alongside his Slytherin friends Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, Theodore Nott, Gregory Goyle, Pansy Parkinson and her girl gang. She herself made sure that her younger sister was ready to go home before she sat down next to Ginny and Neville.

"I wonder if Luna gets the chance to celebrate Easter this year?" Neville asked sadly as the train left the Hogsmeade behind them.

"I hope so" she said, offering the tall boy a polite smile. And she really did wish for Luna to have a pleasant Easter, although she hardly believed it. She just hoped Luna wasn't suffering too much.

The train rolled by green fields and high mountains, and she gazed out at the clouds in the sky. They passed deep lakes and small villages, and their compartment felt awfully quiet. Something about going home this Easter didn't feel as blissful as usual.

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