Ch 1: The New Girl

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Authors Note:
Info on the new girl:
name: Aika Amari
Eye color: Ruby Red
Hair color: Long black hair
Quirk: Shadows: She can control shadows of any kind and make them into anything she wants, shadows of people, shadows of creatures, shadows of objects & her own. She can even become a shadow, and whatever shadow she uses she keeps that shadow and can use it whenever she wants, but her shadow is similar to Tokoyami's it's called Echo-Shade and her quirk is mostly powerful at night but during the day it's not as strong unless she's in the shade.
(I'd give you guy's more info but that's all for now you'll just have to read to find out more.)
(Sry for her quirk info being long.😅Let the love story begin.)
Setting: Classroom
Narrator: Right when the new girl entered the room the whole class was surprised to see that she wasn't in uniform like everyone else. She had on black jeans and a black jean jacket with a plain red t-shirt underneath, and ankle boots. She looked around the room returning a glare at the class. Mr. Aizawa put all that aside and introduced her to the class and told her to take the empty seat behind Tokoyami. Aika nodded her head and walked to the seat.

Kirishima: "Wow, talk about making an appearance." He whispered as she walked past him.

Jiro: "She seems...nice?" She whispered to Kaminari.

Narrator: Kaminari shrugged at Jiro and watched Aika walk to her seat along with everyone else. When she was approaching Tokoyami he picked his head up and stared at her as she walk by. Aika returned a look to Tokoyami, she gave him a glare through the corner of her eye as she pushed a strand of hair back into place behind her ear. Tokoyami's heart skipped a beat, and he blushed a little. He just closed his eyes and crossed his arms as if he didn't care while putting his head down a little. When she reached her seat she didn't care that some people were still staring, she just gave them a death glare that made them look the other way. Uraraka sat on the right side of Aika and Yaoyorozu sat on the left, they both gave her quick glances from time to time but they were mostly staring at each other.

[Uraraka's POV]
Yes! A new student, I can't wait to meet him or her! I really hope it's another girl, that way I can have another friend to hang out with. Then when I saw the new girl I was happy but all I could see was her face since I sat in the back. When she stared at us like she despised everyone I felt a little cold sweat drop by my face. But I'm sure she's nice...and I'm gonna be nice as well to make her feel welcome. As she walked closer she saw her whole outfit. Wait what?! What is she wearing?! Is she allowed to wear that? Wow, she looks a lot more scarier up close. Oh come on pull yourself together Uraraka! Maybe this won't be so bad...right? I just kept staring at her and so did Momo but we both were puzzled by two things I think...why did she decide to wear that on her first day, didn't she get her uniform? And the way she looked at Tokoyami seemed a little strange, wonder why?

[Yaoyorozu's POV]
Another student? Well that sounds nice, it's been awhile since we've had a new student in Class-A. I wonder what this new student will be like? Please at least let this student be a girl, don't we have enough guy's here as it is. Oh she's here! Finally we get another girl. And she's going to sit next to me and Uraraka, and behind Tokoyami? I hope we could be friends and get to know each other, I can't see her completely but I can see her face a little she looks nice. But I had second thoughts when she gave everyone a scary glare, and when she started to make her way over I got to see her and her whole outfit. What in the world? Is she really wearing what I think she's wearing? She looks a little intimidating in that but it is a cute outfit I'll give her that. But that's not the point, did she come to school in just that? I saw Uraraka staring at her too, she was just as confused as me and the class. She seems a little more edgy than Tokoyami. Wait, is that why she looked at him like that when she passed him? I wonder what her quirk must be then.

Narrator: It had only been 5 minutes since Aika's arrival, and even though Mr. Aizawa told everyone to help her get caught up with some of their work and to study some pages in their books you could tell that everyone felt a little uneasy around Aika. Everyone began reading while their teacher fell asleep in his sleeping bag, but no one even dared to get up to even introduce themselves to her or even look in her direction...well all except for Yaoyorozu & Uraraka. But they didn't get up to introduce themselves they just threw some glances at her. Then Uraraka dropped her pencil and it rolled near Aika, she didn't want to get up because she was still a little scared of her so she didn't know what to do.

Uraraka: 'Dang it! My pencil.' She thought. She looked around the room everyone was still reading and so was Aika. She didn't want to bother her or distract her so she left her pencil on the floor. 'I'll just get another one out of my bag.' She thought to herself again, hoping no one would notice.

"Hey? Is this yours?" Someone asked.

N: Uraraka turned and jolted up a little to see Aika standing beside her desk and holding her pencil in front of her.

Uraraka: "Oh, yeah. Thanks." She said through a nervous smile as she was hesitant to grab the pencil.

Aika: "Sure." She said in a calm voice, as she went back to her seat. This time she went through her bag and pulled out her phone and a pair of earphones. She listened to music as she read her book.

[Tokoyami's POV]
Well if we're having another transfer student we're all going to help the new student catch up  in our studies. That would be the respectful thing to do, but I know that we won't have a choice. When Aika entered the class I couldn't see her very well from where I was sitting. But judging by some of my classmates expressions something is wrong that I cannot see. Then the way she stared at everyone made me feel strange...but why? When she was going to sit behind me she was making her way towards me then when I saw her I understood why everyone had shocked expressions on their faces. She's not in uniform? Mr. Aizawa is really going to let her wear that for the rest of class? After I was done studying what she was wearing I gave her a glance when she came closer. Then the way she looked at me was...strange. I felt my face turn a light red, and did my heart just skip a beat? When she moved her hair, she actually looked kinda...cute. Wait what am I thinking?! I looked away wondering what just happened to me. I never felt that before..especially with any female student in my class. So...why her? He kept questioning it while he was still blushing a little.

(Sry that it was long. But if u like it so far leave a comment🙂. This is my first fanfic, so if u didn't like it I understand but I suggest you keep reading if u wanna see what happens next. I have a few more 'interesting' ideas for this story😉.)

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