Chapter 27 - Facing The Fear

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"Fathers know what's best." he says and I find myself laughing.

I look around and swing my legs over the bed trying to get the strength to get up. I wince as I pull myself toward the edge of the bed and stretch my arms slightly. I feel a hand on my arm and turn to see my dad now by my side.

'haley, what are you doing? You need to stay in bed." he tells me with a worried tone.

"I have some unfinished business." I say simply and he helps me up as I prepare to face my biggest fear.


 **BEWARE I have never written anything like this in my life and I am totally winging it... so don't judge... and I'm sorry if I use awkward wording, you have no idea how awkward this was for me... i was on a whole new scale of awkward!!**

Elijah POV -

I run my hands through my hair again trying to wrap my brain around the thoughts that were racing through my head. I run my hands down my face as I continue to pace my room endlessly. I keep messing with my hands and fidgeting because I don't know what to do with them at the moment.

With so many things running through my brain I feel like I'm going to explode and I am not ready for that. I feel a vibration come from my pocket and hesitate before pulling my phone out of my pocket and answering.


"Elijah?" I hear the shy voice on the other end ask and feel my stomach begin to flutter.


"The one and only" She says a little louder. "Did I like interrupt you or something?"

"No, I'm not doing anything right now."

"okay, so what are you up to?"

"Uh... I Just said I wasn't doing anything."

"Right, right, my bad." she stutters out awkwardly. "That was a dumb question on my part, sorry."

"Are you okay Haley?"

"Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You tell me, you seem a little jumpy."

"I've just been thinking a lot and my brain is going kind of crazy."

"Oh." I say. "So what have you been thinking about that is making your brain go crazy?" I ask curiously.

"Umm, well..." she hesitates.

"You know you can tell me Haley."

"Yeah I know. I just..." she fades and then speaks up again. "You know how you have a feeling that you keep trying to push away, but it doesn't want to go away? So you just like ignore it and hope that it will eventually fade. Cause like feeling that would just be... bad I guess, or it might just complicate things that are already good."

"Okay now you're confusing me." I say not following her words.

"I just have been thinking..."

"Yes and your brain is going crazy."

"Yeah. Great now I'm repeating things right?" she asks sounding a little defeated.


"Are you home?"

"Yeah I am, but my parents are out working. They got the night shift so they won't be home till like tomorrow morning."

"Okay... Could I like come over or something?"

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